
New Member
I would like to say hi to al you gentlemen out there, and ladies
I live on the Isle of Wight and drive a freelander 2005 sports
I am very pleased with the car however having a lot of trouble with the stereo
Hopefully I will put a post on this later

Regards pinkywhite
Welcome aboard :)

A couple of forum pointers;
Don't forget to use the search bar at the top of the page before asking questions as it can upset folks if the same question has been asked and answered many time before.
Oh and the banter can be 'robust' ;) just so you know.
Have fun..
Pinkywhite as a username and a Gaylanderer to boot, Oh my :doh:

:welcome: I dont think this is going to end well but I wish you luck.
Pinkywhite as a username and a Gaylanderer to boot, Oh my :doh:

:welcome: I dont think this is going to end well but I wish you luck.

Maybe that's why he addressed the gentlemen and ladies of the site - and ignored the other 98% :D

Well you were warned the banter is robust :p. Don't worry about it, as long as you've got thick skin and a sense of humour its a brilliant forum to be part of
No I am still here I was just trying to be polite,but now I no what a bunch of
p--s takers you all our I will not be so polite, I should fit in nicely

Regards pink

the last time i looked at something pinkybrown i thought the same thing ;)

:welcome: again :D

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