Hello everyone, I'm new here, and new to Range Rovers as well. I've had mine for a couple of weeks and I'm becoming quite attached to the old girl. As I was coming home last night the rev counter stopped working. It was fine one minute and dead the next. My questions are: is this a common fault, what causes it, and how do I go about fixing it? I've looked in the Haynes manual (stop laughing!) and that was useless...

hi jack and welcome,not to sure but i thing theres a wire from the alternator but I'm sure someone on here knows better good luck with your new motor
i dont know, how to fix , other than put on an exchange unit, i was on holiday when mine went, so didnt have much choice(my old 88 classic)
Bet me last can of Guinness it's the alternator. Just check the leads first to be sure. New one costs around £110-120
Had a look this morning - it was the white lead that comes from the module at the rear of the alternator. It had pulled off at the connector! Thanks again, guys.

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