Welcome Mrs Hammers :welcome:

Just remember to ALWAYS let the gaylander warm up first before applying power. No thrashing from cold cos' they don't like it.

Now the thing is with LZ you are always going to get some, well shall we say "interesting" replies when you admit to being a galander owner and the reason for this is because,

well how can I say this... er

well your a nurse so you should know what I'm about to say...

it's just that you don't have what us "blokes" have... you know what I mean...

oh I'm just going to say it: you don't have a chassis!!!! :eek:

There you are, I've said and it's all out in the open.

So with no further ado, have lots of fun with your new toy and at least covet the badge :D
Damn Grimmer, she is off roader porn! She really is one sexy set of wheels!
Im struggling to put the laptop down, only the football can tear me away!


:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi Here's a Durdy one for ya;);););)

Welcome Mrs Hammers :welcome:

Just remember to ALWAYS let the gaylander warm up first before applying power. No thrashing from cold cos' they don't like it.

Now the thing is with LZ you are always going to get some, well shall we say "interesting" replies when you admit to being a galander owner and the reason for this is because,

well how can I say this... er

well your a nurse so you should know what I'm about to say...

it's just that you don't have what us "blokes" have... you know what I mean...

oh I'm just going to say it: you don't have a chassis!!!! :eek:

There you are, I've said and it's all out in the open.

So with no further ado, have lots of fun with your new toy and at least covet the badge :D
Thanks for the tips too, she gets an out of town ride, then a bit of A road at 50, then the motorway, she seems alright with that first thing in the morning, suits me fine...........
Yes its true, I do have a missing chassis, but a great pair of balls :eek:
Hence the Fronty being called ''The Bitch-Wagon'' not the sort of name I could give my Landy..............Now a defender could take over that sort of nickname! For now I am being ever so slightly civilised and shall enjoy cruising in my very easy to drive dinker! :D
Can we just get one thing straight here ... Mrs Hammers is a burd ... therefore she aint driving a Gaylander ...

... she's driving a Lezlander! ;)
Welcome Mrs Hammers

I'm a relative newbie here too, being a badge snob I opted for a Range Rover and picked the P38 through funds (or minimal ones to spend on adult toys anyway - no snide comments you lot lol)

The good feelings outway the problems - for now :)

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