BTW MrsHammers, I won't tell them over on the FOG forum that you've come over to the dark side if you don't tell them that I have too.
This thread has given me a good chuckle!!!
Went to search for something online and started writing ''gaylander!!!!!'' :darth_vader:
Today when I was standing in the middle of a country side garage where the wind chill felt like -10, Ive managed to totally break my fuel cap!! Lock fell out into a few bits, front bit came off with a good yank and I managed to unscrew the bit left and fill up..............................Oh the irony of the fact that there was a bliddy Defender (she was beautiful too) parked right bliddy behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad2: I had cold numb hands, and vehicle envy to the max, all after a long day at work! Sooooooooo............
Any recommendations of websites that may be worth looking at for another one? (fuel cap that is.......not a new motor!!!) :D
I know that feeling, everytime I walk out my front door there is this big beutiful blue fender parked by my house.....oh thats right its mine:D. Sorry could'nt resist, :welcome2:to the site there are some great people on here that will be only to glad to help and advize. Don't be too down a friend of mine has a 1.8 freelander and has owned it for about 5 years with no head gasket issues in all that time:D:D
BTW MrsHammers, I won't tell them over on the FOG forum that you've come over to the dark side if you don't tell them that I have too.

Can you imagine what they would say about my new wheels!! :eek:
Still missing my Frontera, cant get over the mourning as she is still on my drive looking sad!!!! :rolleyes:
I know that feeling, everytime I walk out my front door there is this big beutiful blue fender parked by my house.....oh thats right its mine:D. Sorry could'nt resist, :welcome2:to the site there are some great people on here that will be only to glad to help and advize. Don't be too down a friend of mine has a 1.8 freelander and has owned it for about 5 years with no head gasket issues in all that time:D:D

Seriously im becoming obsessed with looking at them! The bigger and chunkier they are the more I fall in love.........AND i barely have enough room in the Freelander for all of my medical equipment, and the dog cage was a very tight squeeze! and Im no longer unique, and blah blah! At least I know what I want when im grown up now.......:D
Must stop moaning about my Freelander......were not properly bonded yet :crazy::D:crazy:
I love mine to bits, seriously you spend the whole time your driving smiling like an idiot. You could park a hundred fenders side by side and they would all look different, they just have their own charecter.
LOVE your icon!!! Damn flying monkeys have alot to answer for! :p
Off to 'that' site............... *gets sidelined looking at Defenders*



So very true! I used to love being part of the Frontera drive gang, a knowing nod if you ever drove by another Fronty, all different shapes and modifications.
It was only very recently that I fell for the Defenders, im sure they are following me around! the day I collected the Freelander there was a cracking one in the hand car wash when I got petrol, (other half and I felt very small and we just looked at the defender then each other and put our heads down!!) and ive started noticing them in ALL shapes and sizes.
Im not knowledgable about vehicles, just want large wheels, bull bars, roof mounted light rig, and an exhaust that means I can do water, woodland,mud ...........................................................MUST stop this dreaming!! and face facts, I have a gaylander, although if she gets me through a couple of years it will make me VERY happy (or be a miracle!!!!) :rolleyes: Im praying to the great god of engines, to be fair two head gaskets on a Frontera has already made me nervous!!!!

Don't you be dribbling all over my motor you durdy Gaylanderer you:p:p:p:p:p:p

Your worse than the feckin dog:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I love my Freelander to bits, and I've been through all the dramas with it and it still makes me smile every time I get in it.

My girlfriend and I want a Fender too though, we might do a fixer upper as a joint project at some point and share the cost - she's dead handy with spanner when properly instructed (not by me then.) But I'd still keep the Freebie, it's a very civilised drive and the 1.8 is very smooth. You'll probably have some niggles to fix but don't worry, once you get it to a good state it will be easy to maintain and no less reliable than other Landies :).
Grimmer, I am literally salivating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are not the words to say just how envious I am!!!!!! that is truly a beautiful thing!

Got caught on the Dartford bridge on my drive home today, there were two bloody Defenders, one in the right lane and one in the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEY ARE HAUNTING ME...............................................................I WANT ONE!!!

Grimmer im just going to stare at the picture again *dribbles enviously*
Okay so heres todays edition of my Gaylander news flash:
1. The windscreen had a chip in it which has spread as a big old crack.
2. The motor has gone on the back wiper as well as it being broken. The water bit doesnt work
3. The rear window heater doesnt work.
4. The fuel cap has fallen into peices.
Errrrrrrrrm thats all for today.
BUT on a positive note:
1. The person I bought it from is picking it up tmrw night, taking it to his garage to fix the problems, then driving her back to me.
2. She definitely uses less petrol than my Fronty.
3. She warms up bloody quick.
He is also going to look at the head gasket for me just to re-assure me that its not looking like its about to **** my year off!!!!
Im lucky that the person I got her from is a decent bloke............ and Gaylander she may be, but I must admit today when 'him indoors' said ''do you just want the money back from the thing'' I VERY quickly answered no! I must be warming to her!
I still felt like a knob in a knob-trotter sat between the 2 defenders though! :mil80:
Grimmer, I am literally salivating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are not the words to say just how envious I am!!!!!! that is truly a beautiful thing!

Got caught on the Dartford bridge on my drive home today, there were two bloody Defenders, one in the right lane and one in the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEY ARE HAUNTING ME...............................................................I WANT ONE!!!

Grimmer im just going to stare at the picture again *dribbles enviously*

Here's some more porn for ya...


Damn Grimmer, she is off roader porn! She really is one sexy set of wheels!
Im struggling to put the laptop down, only the football can tear me away!

Nice one Trewey, just as I was mentioning vehicle porn, you joined in...................................................
Need a VERY cold shower now!!!!

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