Hi All,
Day one of the old landy experiment has finished...............
Damn shes comfy to drive,
Drives herself really.........very different to my Fronty, and I miss the size and engine, and the deafening horn to name and shame! :rolleyes: and speed bumps at a slow pace dont matter to a Fronty, Ive started driving really slow whilst noticing another new speed bump that has just ''popped up'' somewhere I hadnt really noticed before, but she makes driving much more of a comfortable trip on auto-pilot,
No-one mention Head Gasket!
In honor of the discovery of the King of Car Parks this message will be delivered in olde English:

Hail, ande well met thou bolde owner of the beaste we call "Freelander." Thou mayest wish to patronise ye olde Freelander sectionne with thine unearthly radiance, lest thou remainest here and be relentlessly taunted by yon tratterers who hath ne'er been a Lord in the Kingdomme of Freelander. They offerest sage councel on moste occasione, and accepting that thou dons'st thine cloak of fineste Rhino-hide, thou whilt prosper here. Hark! Hath ye olde transmissione been attended to? Give close considerationne to it, lest thou becomest stuck in the bitter drifts of white winter.

Ok I'm running out of ideas. Welcome, see you around :).
In honor of the discovery of the King of Car Parks this message will be delivered in olde English:

Hail, ande well met thou bolde owner of the beaste we call "Freelander." Thou mayest wish to patronise ye olde Freelander sectionne with thine unearthly radiance, lest thou remainest here and be relentlessly taunted by yon tratterers who hath ne'er been a Lord in the Kingdomme of Freelander. They offerest sage councel on moste occasione, and accepting that thou dons'st thine cloak of fineste Rhino-hide, thou whilt prosper here. Hark! Hath ye olde transmissione been attended to? Give close considerationne to it, lest thou becomest stuck in the bitter drifts of white winter.

Ok I'm running out of ideas. Welcome, see you around :).

Strange lot them Gaylanderers:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::p
This thread has given me a good chuckle!!!
Went to search for something online and started writing ''gaylander!!!!!'' :darth_vader:
Today when I was standing in the middle of a country side garage where the wind chill felt like -10, Ive managed to totally break my fuel cap!! Lock fell out into a few bits, front bit came off with a good yank and I managed to unscrew the bit left and fill up..............................Oh the irony of the fact that there was a bliddy Defender (she was beautiful too) parked right bliddy behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad2: I had cold numb hands, and vehicle envy to the max, all after a long day at work! Sooooooooo............
Any recommendations of websites that may be worth looking at for another one? (fuel cap that is.......not a new motor!!!) :D
LOVE your icon!!! Damn flying monkeys have alot to answer for! :p
Off to 'that' site............... *gets sidelined looking at Defenders*
Brings to mind the old joke:

"Got a fuel cap for a Freelander?"
Yeah, seems like a fair swop!

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