@tomcat - it was ATS that did it originally, worked fine till I got it home and heard the hissing and the green drips from the top right of the condenser!

@domino - it does take about an hour - they plug it in and it does an 'evacuation', a vacuum and a pressure test, then it fills it with refrigerant all automatically and they temp test it.

@ mad hat - I don't know if a complete emptying in about 10 mins via a leak is classed as a 'proper' degassing, but degassed it was . . . :D

Ahhh - I wondered what the various hi-viz clad council busybodies were going on about when they arrived with their green lights flashing- I told them if "I believed all the arrant bollocks talked about the environment I wouldn't be driving a Range Rover" :D:D:D
Ahhh - I wondered what the various hi-viz clad council busybodies were going on about when they arrived with their green lights flashing- I told them if "I believed all the arrant bollocks talked about the environment I wouldn't be driving a Range Rover" :D:D:D


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