
New Member
Thanks for the advice. I didn't manage to get the old stuck spring off so had to go to someone with the know - how and tools.

However the new Arnott gen 3 springs are a revelation. Roll is significantly reduced with only marginal increase in bump thump. I'm now looking at dampers and think I will go with soft ones as I don't need them to be too stiff.
Thanks for the advice. I didn't manage to get the old stuck spring off so had to go to someone with the know - how and tools.

However the new Arnott gen 3 springs are a revelation. Roll is significantly reduced with only marginal increase in bump thump. I'm now looking at dampers and think I will go with soft ones as I don't need them to be too stiff.

Gen 3 is a bit overkill, and go for BOGE unless you consider doing serious off road with the 3s, most comfortable on the road:)
Can't understand why anyone would get GEN III bags if they did not intend to use the extra lift. Bit like a frigid woman buying a solid gold dildo instead of a plastic one. For the use it's going to get the plastic one is more than adequate. :D:D:D
I like the analogy!

The extra lift was in my view a bonus. What I was after was the reduced roll. One of the roads near me has those road restrictors that require a left/ right series of weaving. The car handles those a lot better now. There is a small trade off as always with these things but for me it was worth it.

The car will be going off road on a regular basis but the "road" is not so brutal as to require the extra 2 inch lift over what is already available. The potential extra comfort at higher ride height (not tried it yet) will I imagine be welcome.
I like the analogy!

The extra lift was in my view a bonus. What I was after was the reduced roll. One of the roads near me has those road restrictors that require a left/ right series of weaving. The car handles those a lot better now. There is a small trade off as always with these things but for me it was worth it.

The car will be going off road on a regular basis but the "road" is not so brutal as to require the extra 2 inch lift over what is already available. The potential extra comfort at higher ride height (not tried it yet) will I imagine be welcome.

It's the shockers that control roll not the springs. Take the shockers off it will be like a rowing boat on a rough sea. :D:D
A long time ago, my friend took the shocks off his Mk1 Escort in a bid to save weight.

I still don't know how we made it round the bend, 100m after hitting a bump, as the car was still bouncing from hitting the bump.
I like the analogy!

The extra lift was in my view a bonus. What I was after was the reduced roll. One of the roads near me has those road restrictors that require a left/ right series of weaving. The car handles those a lot better now. There is a small trade off as always with these things but for me it was worth it.

The car will be going off road on a regular basis but the "road" is not so brutal as to require the extra 2 inch lift over what is already available. The potential extra comfort at higher ride height (not tried it yet) will I imagine be welcome.
To use the the extra 2" lift offered by Gen III's, you will need non standard longer shocks, you will also need arm extensions for the height sensors.
It's the shocks that limit the travel.
I fitted GEN III springs to mine a couple of months ago, I fitted new BOGE dampers at the same time and like you Sutton I find the on road handling so much better, I did as much research as possible before buying the Arnotts as there are a few people saying they are a waste of money, only problem with these comments is that they have never experienced them.

Have you tried them off road on the increased height setting, they are so much smoother on rough terrain, I am sure the extra 2" height would be useful to some, but it wasn't of interest to me.

Handling on a car is a combination of springs and dampers.
I fitted GEN III springs to mine a couple of months ago, I fitted new BOGE dampers at the same time and like you Sutton I find the on road handling so much better, I did as much research as possible before buying the Arnotts as there are a few people saying they are a waste of money, only problem with these comments is that they have never experienced them.

Have you tried them off road on the increased height setting, they are so much smoother on rough terrain, I am sure the extra 2" height would be useful to some, but it wasn't of interest to me.

Handling on a car is a combination of springs and dampers.

You can't use them off road or anywhere else for that matter with the two inches extra lift until you fit longer shockers, modify the sensor arms and reset the EAS. As far as i am aware the only difference between GEN II and GEN III is the two inch extra lift capability. If you are not going to use it you may as well have saved a few bob and fitted GEN IIs. Because GEN IIIs in that situation are as useful as tits on a Mars bar. And you may as well have thrown the extra cash you paid for them on the bloody fire.
You can't use them off road or anywhere else for that matter with the two inches extra lift until you fit longer shockers, modify the sensor arms and reset the EAS. As far as i am aware the only difference between GEN II and GEN III is the two inch extra lift capability. If you are not going to use it you may as well have saved a few bob and fitted GEN IIs. Because GEN IIIs in that situation are as useful as tits on a Mars bar. And you may as well have thrown the extra cash you paid for them on the bloody fire.

I thought he'd modified the internals slightly to improve the ride on the road too?

Shocks-wise: Boge are best. No doubt about it. Terrafirma aren't bad but harsher than Boge. Britpart ... well, one them snapped. Nuff said.
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As far as i am aware the only difference between GEN II and GEN III is the two inch extra lift capability.
Wammers you are wrong about them being the same apart from the extra height, the GEN II are Arnotts equivalent to the OEM bags but better quality materials are used, GEN III use a completely redesigned aluminium piston that alters the handling qualities on and off road, they are much more akin to L322 springs in design.

I think tits on a mars bar would be very useful :)
I thought he'd modified the internals slightly to improve the ride on the road too?

Shocks-wise: Boge are best. No doubt about it. Terrafirma aren't bad but harsher than Boge. Britpart ... well, one them snapped. Nuff said.

So it is said, but as far as i am concerned the bags just work on a air cushion principle. Looks like the Arnott bags are slightly larger in diameter which would reduce the air pressure needed to lift the car. Never had a standard one and Arnott one apart to compare them.

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