Hi All... any one else experianced this?.. Iv'e just replaced the old LR air filter with a Mahle new one... and I'm sure I've lost power? Not only that, but it was a sod to fit... the back screws would not go in but managed to play around and got it seated after about 30 mins!.... Also.. the engine does not appear as noisey.... may have seated the lid back on better... could this be the problem / reason?
Must say, it appears a bit better this morning?.. but the 2K mark still a bit lacking,,,, anyone else had this?.. are the filters 'oiled' when new and need to be run for a bit or something??
Assuming TD4?

A new air filter shouldn't cause power losses.

However it might be worth checking that the small diameter vacuum pipe has not been crimped where it passes very close to the air filter housing.
If it was not seated correctly in the first place, you may have been getting extra air flow through the cover/extra noise. I would not have thought that the replacement part would cause any problems with restriction, but it not fitting over the end so you cant get the cover fitted back on- more than likley.

Billy g
If it's a post 99 model, the MAF sensors are prone to get contaminated if the filter is not a pre-oiled type, or if there's excess oil from the filter or any other source in the inlet tract.
Strange one .. still not 100% .. but getting better (or am I just getting used to it)... may swap back this weekend and see it I notice a diff the other way?... if you unplug your ECU... does it do a system re-set?... may be worth a try??

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