
New Member
Hi all,

Rob here from west Wales, I've just purchased an 89 truckcab that has been retro fitted with what I think is a RR 3.5 efi.....

Runs very well except on starting from cold the she takes quite a while for the idle to drop to a normal level (no revcounter fitted yet) I'm thinking she's up at approx 1500/1700 then drops to approx 800/900 but takes a long time to do this!!

Any pointers on what the problem may be?


PS unsure until I look again in daylight if its a hotwire or flapper efi...
That will be the cold start injector that only works when the temperture is below something like -20c so never works in the uk.
Removed the air filter last night and tried again from cold,hey presto started perfectly and revs dropped within a couple of seconds.....
Filter was totally choked....
Would this have caused the problem?

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