
New Member
My in-laws bought the car new. We're the 2nd owners. 51 plate with 26,000.
Anyway, there only has been 1 keyfob from when the in-laws bought it new, even though the handbook says car is supplied with 2.
We would like to buy a second keyfob. Reading on other posts, avoid Ebay etc because of the programming etc, is the dealership the best place to buy one? Am I looking at the £100 mark, or does anyone know of it being cheaper? Would like to buy one very soon. Any useful information would be appreciated.
Mine only came with one key fob, the second cost £100 from a main dealer including programming. If you are going to buy a second hand fob find out the cost of getting it programmed first.
Is your fob a two button with built in key or two button with 17TN, 3TXB, or 3TXC on the rear??

There are loads of the 17TN (most recent and superceded the 3XT* keys) available on ebay and many people can program them at a fraction of the dealer charges.

I know a reputable guy in Brighton who can program them - where are you based??



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