Hello everyone,

New here from about 1 minute and based in France.

As you might be aware, Britain is great, you can put a defender or dicovery engine in your Series (apologies for this horrible thing to do...). But in France, it is more difficult...

My question is going towards that new ford engine 2.2l that you can find in a transit and the latest defender, but will it be able to fit in a Series???!!!

I am sure to find here someone who think like me. So if you have some info, please tell us about it.

Surely not, but the great thing over here would be that de engine on the paperwok would be not increased from the 2.25!!

If anybody work with land rovers and have already some insight on this....

Will need engine wiring harness,ECU, engine, gearbox. And someone that works for ford to wire it up correctly
Peace of cake then..lol

do you think it will be a conversion that can be done? I guess, this is too new to have been tested..

Might just go to the 200tdi...arrrr
Interesting point about homologation of engines, I have a hazy memory that the 19J engine is accepted in places like switzerland and the US, but later ones like the 200 tdi's aren't. We have a very free system in Britain, not the same everywhere.
yep, France is a nightmare for that. So two choices, you get it check by la drire, and they tell you, you need landrover agreement, land rover say tough...
or you do not declare anything and you pray god, never have trouble....
All fords below 2 litre at least on petrol engines share the same bell housing bolt pattern, and the tranny yorkie engine is no exception, except for the input shaft nose bearing is diffo.
If this engine your thinking of will fit an old type tranny rwd, then theres a good chance you'll be able to stuff it in the landy, just by using some of the bits from a tranny yorkie engine conversion kit.
The ecu and electronics will put some people off, but it can be done, if it runs in the donor vehicle then it'll run in the landy.
You'd also need the engine ecu and all the security stuff including the ignition key and transponder coil.
Make the engine run on the floor with the minimum of bits first before stuffing it in.
Do some research on the ford engine first, some of them are crap.

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