
New Member
So far changed fuel filter & water in fuel sensor but still drive like an old tank 35 mph max & conks out if you try to put foot down.So i took it to garage to check, he said your pump in fuel tank sounds bad 100% certain it maybe that, £180 + vat + labour, but no still like a tank any ideas anyone:confused:
100% certain it maybe that

When he said "100% certain it maybe that", that was the time to worry!

Anyway, I take it it's a TD5?

Have you checked your fuel filter assembly and filter?

These pumps get very funny when the filter starts to get blocked.

Get the old pump from them and stick on ebay to try and recoup the cost.
was the contract between you and the garage to "fix the fault" or to "replace the pump". If the former, then they have not fulfilled the contract and you are within your rights to ask for your money back and for the car to be returned to its prior condition, if the latter then do as DM suggests (bet they wont still have the old one tho).
Ours had very poor starting (loads of cranking) which then progressed to cutting out every mile or two.
Our pump was also quite noisy.
The local garage had a 'spare' good pump, tried it but was just the same.

After a lot of research on this and other Landy forums I went down to see the garage owner. We both looked at each other and said "injector washers"

He renewed the copper washers and O rings, changed the oil and now our D is running spot on and the pump is now silent :D

Check your oil level, if it is slightly raised this is one of the signs that the washers are leaking, if you have a good nose you may even smell diesel in the oil.

All of the above is of course assuming that you have a TD5 ;)

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