
I thought I'd throw this one in here, I think I know what the answer is but it's always good to have other opinions especially if it might save me a few quid. I'm driving along the other day my Freelander starts to judder quite violently along with a large screeching from the rear right and then the engine cuts out. Cruise to the side of the road and pull up. Tried starting her up again would turn over but no firing. Phone my local garage and tell them to expect recovery, and they suggest that it sounds like the low pressure fuel pump. Roadside turn up who also suggests that it may be the fuel pump. Off it goes on the back of a truck to my local garage. Rear fuel pump gets replaced, no difference whatsoever however they manage to get it started. He tells that they plugged it into a diagnostics (not land rover) and got an engine imbalance error code. Anyway I managed to drive it the mile home from my garage. Was lumpy and looking in the rear view mirror was like I'd got my own smoke screen. Never seen so much white smoke. It was like a James Bond smoke screen. I suspect therefore as my local garage do that it is an injector gone. :( I've got it booked into 1st diesels in Thornton Heath for Thursday, but thought I'd ask it on here just in case any one has any other ideas as to what it may be.

Also does anyone have any dealings with 1st Diesels in Thornton Heath? My local garage recommended them, and I've checked them out on the net, wondered if anyone else has any first hand info on them.

Anyone want to buy a low pressure fuel pump? 2nd hand with 100,000 on the clock! ;) NSOR

Cheers guys. Will keep you posted.
if its all white smoke like a dry steam burst boost hose if its blue and white smelling of fuel crankcase breather most likely
with a large screeching from the rear right and then the engine cuts out.

IF that 'screeching' was from the old lp.fuel pump ..
i'd cut it open to find out what made the noise ..
'n see if any metal swarf might have entered the fuel system
Hmm, is there anything I can do to check if the turbo is playing up? There was a bit of a delay from pressing the accelerator that morning now you mention it, but it does drive now and seems to be as ok as it could be with no more lag. I thought the delayed response in the accelerator was down to fuel delivery issues. Anyone know what am I looking at cost wise if the turbo has packed up?
Hello , a mates turbo blew 2 years ago , cost £1,200 and that was cheep :eek: His engine started to runaway (he knew what to do and stalled it asap) if left , all the engine oil is blown through the exhaust until the engine siezes , white smoke , black smoke then sparks :eek: Hope its something less , like the turbo solenoid or split hoses , that would cause lack of power
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Blimey that's an expense I can do without. Well engine's not running away just been out and turned it over to make sure, it just idles but is very lumpy. So there's hope there I think. Smoke is definitely bluey white and stinks of diesel. Changed crank case breather to BMW vortex type a while back so doubt it's that. Going for a leak back test and full diagnostic on Thursday. Fingers crossed!

Should I take the synergy off if going for service and diagnostic, or are they clever enough to realise and take it into account? Just not sure if it affects the process.
Well slightly cheaper than a blown turbo. Just! Took it down to 1st Diesels in Thornton Heath, and they put it on to their diagnostics. 1 injector completely buggered, which was what was causing the smoke and misfire/judder. The other three looked like they were on their way out. (It's done 110,000). So rather than coming back in 6 months time, to change another and paying the asscoiated labour costs again, I bit the bullet and got them to change all four at the same time.

Blimey it's like a new engine. :p The difference is incredible, as is the fuel consumption which looks like it's shot right back up. :D

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