Hi all I have been down the series 3 brake nightmare contantly bleeding brakes after refitting shoes, I have just read an article about the importance of refitting the shoe springs on rear shoes corrrectly i have fitted them on outside of shoes and it appears you must fit them on inside otherwise you get the impression you need to bleed as pedal pushes to floor on first push then rock hard on second push please help i have gone through 4 litres of brake fluid and not getting any better
Have you replaced the rear wheel cylinders by chance?

I did some last week and tried 3 pairs of cheap alloy cylinders before I got hold of some cast iron bodied OEM items, they blead up first time!

The cheap alloy ones were sucking in all all the time!

Lesson learnt!
I bough some cheap cylinders once, they didn't even have the slot machined into them to accept the shoe.
I buy Girling/Lockheed now

An Easibleed really helps too.
Always compress the cylinder on the corner you are bleeding, it apparently stops air pockets from being trapped as the nipple is only half way up the cylinder.

Use a big G-clamp and something to protect the shoes or a ratchet strap is a good one to compress the cylinder.
SUCCESS .. I refitted the springs on the rear brake shoes, from shoe to the spring post on the backplate on opposite side and fitted on the inside and hey presto fantastic brake pedal
dont forget about the snail cam adjusters. springs being on the wrong side was possibly pulling the shoe off the cam?

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