fredlander said:
Thats from someone with a S3 the one that rotted the most...........nice one David, they dont like being told, you try and buy a s/hand disco at the moment, they have all been snapped up by circus's for the fuc*ing clowns.:rolleyes:
dear dear fred you really are a sad puppy . maybe yer owner will buy you a nice new bone to chew on. and for your information my 3 ain't rusty and if you check yer gaylander bit you'll see that the clown's cars are the gaylanders as they are the ones that bits fall off when you wash them. i think the thread was called "beware when washing your td4" or something like that. now go and phone yer dealer to see if they have yer gaylander ready yet. and the follow up
I notice Davids location says he is, and i quote: "near hills".

Is that cuz your wannabe landy cant get UP the fookers :D
I wonder why you all keep going on about gay thisand gay that. Is there something you would like to share with us? Come on out of the closet, it's ok you are in the company friends. (gay smart arse comments welcome)
David said:
I wonder why you all keep going on about gay thisand gay that. Is there something you would like to share with us? Come on out of the closet, it's ok you are in the company friends. (gay smart arse comments welcome)

David - I'm gay, so's my wife we're really happy go lucky people.

David - you happy now?

David - let sleeping dogs lie.
and I'm near hills coz i live at the bottom of them and need a motor that can handle them (better say mountains before you lot comment on how they are only hils). Oh and my freelander is great on tarmac as well. and looks **** hot! ( more smart arsed comments welcome)
David - thats a sweet name, does your boyfriend murmer it gently into your ear while he routes opening over an mfi cupboard?
David - a sweet name, in this instance I bet it gets shortened to Divvy, and not for the purpose of indicating Welsh ancestry.
Hey David,
Do you live at the bottom of the hill (mountain to a freewanka) cos you can't get up it. Or should it be the boyfriend can't get it up...
he don't live near the hills ..he just parks his gaylander there so his neighbours don't see it
freelanders are just arse. They are supposed to be an off roader crossed with a car???
except that they are rubbish off-road, and if you drive them like a car they fall apart and break.
The best thing to do with them.....

Rebadge them as fords and sell them to hairdressers
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I quite like freelanders but the P11d value & emmisions are too much to have one as a company car.
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Some of those guys in the freelander zone are quite humerous and give & take well.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
BUT - This David bloke is just a **** - leaves his MOT until he runs into some poor bugger & then seeks aprobation from the freelander gang 'cos he's a bad lad roughy toughy.
TBH I cannot be arsed with him anymore - I am really concerned that he believes he has the wit and spice of Slob, Grunt, Yella et al - unfortunately he doesn't have any of the finesse, timing or ability. So for me no more rounds with this guy. :mad: :mad: :mad:

A pig in a wig is still a pig - a **** with a freelander is simply a **** with no taste :D
be careful of him he might hit you with another 4 letter word, or maybe he'll find a dictionary and use a FIVE letter one this time.

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