Very noisy. I have one and a 50litre 14cfm compressor that runs all the time to keep up while it's in use. You need lots of air but it does save lots of time.
Yeah, Gigglepin, that's a great vid of what they can do. Very noisey, Mordzy, I had my ears stuffed with cotton wool. Looked like a miner when I had finished - should have worn a dust mask :eek:
yep, foul tool to use but really effective, but be careful where you use it - they can punch through thin sheet.
What colour do Tin miners go? I was generally grubby with panda eyes. Hint of orange to the muck, if anything :D
I used one at work on a lorry, had to get all the paint off the side of the lorry bed, this paint was thicker than joey essex! got it off a treat
Yeah, Gigglepin, that's a great vid of what they can do. Very noisey, Mordzy, I had my ears stuffed with cotton wool. Looked like a miner when I had finished - should have worn a dust mask :eek:

Just turn the radio up . Worked for me ;-)

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