Roaming Wombat

Well-Known Member
This is not super urgent - can wait a few days.

Is there anyone out there who would be able to recover my LR90 from Swansea to the Blackwood area? (approx. 50miles)
EDIT: This may well need a trailer as its a steering wobble issue.

Happy to pay for fuel etc, (also Hobnobs).
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Going up Heads of the Valleys is the alternative route, going out of Swansea through Jersey Marina avoids the M4 totally to get on to the A465.

The issue I have is steering wobble at 20mph+ so I'm not sure if it can be towed unless there's someway the steering can be isolated?
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I'm going to err on the side of caution and say would be an issue controlling it as its bad enough to mean I can't just drive it home
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I don't know of anyone with a trailer in the area. We're always a bit desperately short of them which is a shame with so many excellent towing vehicles.

Hiring must be worth having a look at
No where near Swansea but I have moved a few Green Oval products using trailers.
What I have found is its cheaper to have someone move it rather than hire and do it yourself.
I had to pay for a burst tyre last time I hired one so cost me £130 (£60 for the trailer + £70 for call out and tyre change)
Last one I had moved cost me £40 and the guy did all the work and took all the risk and was insured to boot.
No where near Swansea but I have moved a few Green Oval products using trailers.
What I have found is its cheaper to have someone move it rather than hire and do it yourself.
I had to pay for a burst tyre last time I hired one so cost me £130 (£60 for the trailer + £70 for call out and tyre change)
Last one I had moved cost me £40 and the guy did all the work and took all the risk and was insured to boot.
I would have thought a rented trailer should have a spare - or its down to the rental co...?
I would have thought a rented trailer should have a spare - or its down to the rental co...?

Appears not, I did contact them, having broke down miles from nowhere, best they could suggest was Kwik Fit, who I believe are not very big on Trailer tyres. Luckily it happened in the sticks where there are loads of agricultural vehicles and trailers. Managed to get a local company to come out and change the tyre.

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