I am in desperate need of a rear windscreen wiper motor for my Defender...its the old round model.
Any help where I can get a second hand one and a rear heated window. Been searching online for the past 2 weeks.
Ebay. But they're like rocking horse poo, I sold one earlier this year for £40. (which seems a lot for an old wiper motor)
Are you sure it's the motor at fault? Tried powering it up direct to a battery...
Ebay. But they're like rocking horse poo, I sold one earlier this year for £40. (which seems a lot for an old wiper motor)
Are you sure it's the motor at fault? Tried powering it up direct to a battery...
Hi Aaron, yes had it tested by electrician...power to it..but its dead as a dodo. Will the newer flat one fit? it looks like the mounting brackets are in different location?
Someone on here fitted a wiper motor from a VW or a Pug ... seemed to work fine ...
I fitted the rear wiper from a Skoda, wiring/size is the same you just need to file the fins off the out put shaft. Best thing is it was free and has intermitant.
Daft question, but where is the switch for this rear wiper? I have one on my rear door but I haven't got a switch anywhere, so I guess it could have been taken off another 90.
The previous owner fitted a Raptor dash and there is lots of wiring behind it! I guess I will just need to try and work out which wire is which......

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