You'd better hope see doesn't see that:eek::violent::violent:

Im not scared, they wont let her out the country without being chipped and a upto date with the rabies shots anyway.

disclaimer: if in anyway Mrs Grimmer does infact see this then I claim sanctuary from the Catholic church, being bummed by a few priests is better than what she would do to me, even though she is fact the most beautiful manifestation of womanhood that any man has ever seen.:bolt:
Im not scared, they wont let her out the country without being chipped and a upto date with the rabies shots anyway.

disclaimer: if in anyway Mrs Grimmer does infact see this then I claim sanctuary from the Catholic church, being bummed by a few priests is better than what she would do to me, even though she is fact the most beautiful manifestation of womanhood that any man has ever seen.:bolt:

Good evening Mr DiscoPol, I don't think we have been aquatinted? I am Mrs Grimmer, and would love to inform you that I am in fact up todate with my rabies shot and my chip is correctly in place!! Thus I am able to leave the country!! So if I were you I would grab the Vaseline and run to your nearest Catholic Church and take it like a man!!
Good evening Mr DiscoPol, I don't think we have been aquatinted? I am Mrs Grimmer, and would love to inform you that I am in fact up todate with my rabies shot and my chip is correctly in place!! Thus I am able to leave the country!! So if I were you I would grab the Vaseline and run to your nearest Catholic Church and take it like a man!!

i aint saying or talking to or about your doris,i am in this country unlike polly wolly doodle over in poland all safe and sound.:eek::bolt:

:hysterically_laughi ;););)

The OP will log on in the morning, see all the replies and be well chuffed for about 30 seconds, until he realises that he hasn't actually had any help:D:D:D:D
I is :confused:?
The OP wants us to log on to lr4x4 to contact peeps, coz the forum he was on was shut down.

Is he banned from lr4x4 and if so why? If not why doesn't be post?

Maybe someone aught to ask if anyone knows him on lr4x4 and get the lowdown?
Good evening Mr DiscoPol, I don't think we have been aquatinted? I am Mrs Grimmer, and would love to inform you that I am in fact up todate with my rabies shot and my chip is correctly in place!! Thus I am able to leave the country!! So if I were you I would grab the Vaseline and run to your nearest Catholic Church and take it like a man!!

Good morning Mrs Grimmer, I see that you have read and digested the post, which was in actual fact not posted by but by an anonymous hacker in deepest darkest Peru that had managed to acquire my username and password details through an intricate web of international cyber-spies, I can assure you that the sentiments expressed within said post are not the beliefs that i hold.

Through many long and particularly intimate, considering our overtly masculinity, online conversations with your worse half he has informed me that you are a kind hearted and especially forgiving woman of immense beauty both inner and, the more crass and less important in my personal opinion, outer beauty so i take this opportunity to throw myself on your mercy and beg forgiveness for the actions of the aforementioned Peruvian hackers and their drunken idea of a witty riposte in what can only be described as a debacle.

Failing that I have the Vaseline ready and am willing to take my punishment like a choirboy.

That is all.
Good morning Mrs Grimmer, I see that you have read and digested the post, which was in actual fact not posted by but by an anonymous hacker in deepest darkest Peru that had managed to acquire my username and password details through an intricate web of international cyber-spies, I can assure you that the sentiments expressed within said post are not the beliefs that i hold.

Through many long and particularly intimate, considering our overtly masculinity, online conversations with your worse half he has informed me that you are a kind hearted and especially forgiving woman of immense beauty both inner and, the more crass and less important in my personal opinion, outer beauty so i take this opportunity to throw myself on your mercy and beg forgiveness for the actions of the aforementioned Peruvian hackers and their drunken idea of a witty riposte in what can only be described as a debacle.

Failing that I have the Vaseline ready and am willing to take my punishment like a choirboy.

That is all.

so you will be going to see the religious person as usual then will jelly at the ready,:eek::p:D
Good morning Mrs Grimmer, I see that you have read and digested the post, which was in actual fact not posted by but by an anonymous hacker in deepest darkest Peru that had managed to acquire my username and password details through an intricate web of international cyber-spies, I can assure you that the sentiments expressed within said post are not the beliefs that i hold.

Through many long and particularly intimate, considering our overtly masculinity, online conversations with your worse half he has informed me that you are a kind hearted and especially forgiving woman of immense beauty both inner and, the more crass and less important in my personal opinion, outer beauty so i take this opportunity to throw myself on your mercy and beg forgiveness for the actions of the aforementioned Peruvian hackers and their drunken idea of a witty riposte in what can only be described as a debacle.

Failing that I have the Vaseline ready and am willing to take my punishment like a choirboy.

That is all.
Dear Mr DiscoPol! I'm so sorry to hear that your account has been hacked by some degenerated half wit in peru! His views and opinions of me were most hurtful and upsetting! From your eloquent and well versed reply its plainly obvious that you were not the person who stated those crass and hurtful comments!! But if I ever stumble across said hacker from peru, be aware that "they will never find the body!" And with that I will bid you good day.

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