
New Member
I've done a mini service on my 1980 series 3 as there was an oil leak which I thought was coming from the oil filter so I replaced it with a new one and put fresh oil in but the leaks still there but not from the filter, it's coming from the filter head if that's what it's called?? It's the gasket or seal that I need, this is the gasket / seal that joins to the engine block!
I'm new to owning a landy as the previous owner was going to break it for parts so I'm learning as I go along so I'm unsure of the parts exact names, could someone please send me a link to be able to buy this part please as I don't want to buy the wrong one..

It's a 2.25 petrol swb 88

did the new oil filter come with a new seal ? - did you clean the mating face before you tightened up the new filter ?
Yeah I replaced thhe seal in the filter, when the engine is running there's a constant drip coming from the filter/block so it's defo coming from there, it has 2 bolts that I have to take off that connects to the block, it's that gasket/seal I need
Yup. When you're swapping it you need to make sure that you get all the old gasket off the block and DON'T shove any crap into either of the holes while you're at it as that will go round the engine and block something up. block the two holes up with kitchen roll or something while you scrape the old gasket away. It took me a best part of an hour on my back and at the bench scraping old gasket off with a stanley knife blade and then finishing up with emery...

I didn't use sealant on this gasket just made sure the new gasket was just covered with general purpose grease but not slarted with it. Then nip those two bolts up fairly tight (25 lbf ft) doing them up nearly tight then nip them up slowly a bit each to make sure it seals nice and even. Should be good for years then.

I quite often use a bit of sealant too but here you run the risk of it getting sucked in with the oil and ending up lodging somewhere. Also the casting has lots of holes in it which means sealer is less effective anyway.


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