go easy on him he's a nooby not used to the rough world of LZ(even if it is a shadow of its original self if yella,slob,mondo,grippa,stig,spuddy and the lurvly HB were on still he would have been in the corner crying by now)
Heh, OK so I had a bad day, but ffs the guy wasn't helping himself at all. He barely asked a question, got the answers then throws a childish mardy wobbler He can feck off for me ....
It seems I hit a nerve ...

He pm'd me ...

and it therefore appears he can read and take advice after all ... ;)
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Right ... didn't know and it seems Sirus already edited for me.


To be honest, if someone pm's me then I reckon it's up to me what I do with it .. after all, it's being sent to me and is therefore, like a letter I guess, my property to do with as I want ????

If it's against the forum rules then fine, it'll not happen again. ;)
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Right ... didn't know and it seems Sirus already edited for me.


To be honest, if someone pm's me then I reckon it's up to me what I do with it .. after all, it's being sent to me and is therefore, like a letter I guess, my property to do with as I want ????


a PM is a Private discussion between two people and the concensus is that it should be kept private unless BOTH parties agree that it can be published. If it wasnt meant to be private, then it would be posted on here, not sent as a PM.
OK, no worries.

What I want to say I say it openly and I expect the same from others. If I'm arguing, or flaming, with someone I'll say exactly the same to their face as well as what I put on here, I don't go behind everyone elses backs, and expect the same openness. pm's to me are about not openly divulging specific details, like meeting places, so the loonies can't try to spoil our fun, but if someone wants to snipe or dig at me (or anyone) then I think that's best brought into the open.

As I say, though, no worries and it'll not happen again.

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