
New Member
Hi all i picked up a full spring conversion for my d2 but unfortunately i havent got the right tools to do it myself im in desperate need of some help i need the right size socket for the wheels and a second pair of hands. I would greatly appreciate the help. Im based in Bristol
Hi all i picked up a full spring conversion for my d2 but unfortunately i havent got the right tools to do it myself im in desperate need of some help i need the right size socket for the wheels and a second pair of hands. I would greatly appreciate the help. Im based in Bristol

Too far for me to help out mate, what happens if you get a puncture & you cant get the wheel of ffs o_O
Im lazy i pay people to do stuff im actually lucky as my mother has offered to pay for my disco to have the rear springs fitted
I'm lazy too, but rather than waste my money other peoples labour i'd rather buy cool stuff to go on it.

Good luck with yo mobile mechanic, you'll need it.
Im lazy i pay people to do stuff im actually lucky as my mother has offered to pay for my disco to have the rear springs fitted

Ah well if he wants to charge you more than an hours labour to do both yer probably better to get yer mother to fit them lol
My D1 ‘needed’ almost nothing other then the P gasket. I went a bit mad replacing bits that probably didn’t need doing though then I found some rot and it’s sat on the drive since.

The D2 has needed various bits already with more on the to do list. Start putting some money to one side for maintenance and read as much as you can on here. I read every problem I can so hopefully I’ll have some idea when things happen. Proper diagnostics have proved really useful several times already so something else worth saving for.

They are great at what they do but any D2 is probably reaching an age where it needs a little fettling, the more you can do yourself the better and it’s rewarding knowing you’ve learnt and fixed something. My D2 is about to become my daily driver, I’m sure it’ll need the odd tinker here and there but it’s a very capable very comfy car which is great for hauling stuff/people about in. Hopefully you’ll get the bug and get into doing what you can yourself.
No money, then requesting help with the simplest of task(nothing wrong with that in itself), then when help isn't forthcoming a professional is appointed and an admission of being lazy (hence said request for some kind hearted soul to pop round and do it for him), then a pompous 'I'm a pay the labour kind of guy' remark.
A new member I see, not the kind of introductory approach that will win friends and influence people on a forum i my humble opinion..... just saying

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