On or around Wed, 1 Jun 2005 08:51:50 +0100, "Autolycus"
<nov2004@mainbeam.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>and means that, strictly, it's too wide to be towed by a anything under
>3500kg. 7'6". or whatever that is in these newfangled millimetre
>things, is your limit.

yeah, silly, ain't it. You can tow it behind a (large) transit, but not
behind a 110.

This one's wide mainly 'cos it has cunning rotating axles, so the bed can be
lowered to the ground - loading no problem, apart from the fact that the
pump for raising the bed again is manually operated... but then again, I
*could* fit a 12V one from a small electric-type tipper, if I thought it was
worth it. I could also have had one with it's original pump (which would
probably be better than the one I have on it) but it was an extra 500 quid.
Mine was 750 plus vat.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"Remember that to change your mind and follow him who sets you right
is to be none the less free than you were before."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180), from Meditations, VIII.16
On or around Wed, 1 Jun 2005 08:51:50 +0100, "Autolycus"
<nov2004@mainbeam.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>Getting back to the original question - I find the 200tdi auto Rangey is
>OK for towing in terms of stability, but underpowered. 50mile/h flat
>out on motorway hills with 2.5 tons behind you really isn't enough if
>you're doing it at all regularly. Perhaps I should consider the Land
>Cruiser, but, like the Rangey, it seems such a waste lugging all that
>off-road capability around just to get something that has the magic
>"3500kg" figure in its handbook, when so many ordinary cars have just as
>much torque available.

You could always have this one:


Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination -
we learned to talk." Pink Floyd (1994)

> They weren't 20 years old then. They were new. I haven't driven a
> series 'rover since 1986 when I got issued with a brand new 90 diesel.
> Fantastic it was, we could keep up with our trucks (Bedford TM 8 tonne
> 4x4) instead of them waiting for the Landies.
> Series 'rovers were ok when we had AEC 10 tonners with a top speed of
> 32mph but the new Turbo'd TMs would out drag a loaded 3/4 tonne FFR
> any day.
> I'd love to get my hands on a Wolf.

I must admit, i get beaten by big 10+ ton trucks off the line. they have the
edge on me until i get into 4th gear (at 50k/hr), by then i have a few
metres to make up but push straight past. but up to 50ks they beat me
comprehensively. i spend half the time waiting for the bloody synchros to
get there act together.


Autolycus wrote:
> Getting back to the original question - I find the 200tdi auto Rangey is
> OK for towing in terms of stability, but underpowered. 50mile/h flat
> out on motorway hills with 2.5 tons behind you really isn't enough if
> you're doing it at all regularly. Perhaps I should consider the Land
> Cruiser, but, like the Rangey, it seems such a waste lugging all that
> off-road capability around just to get something that has the magic
> "3500kg" figure in its handbook, when so many ordinary cars have just as
> much torque available.

That's my problem. Pretty soon the government are probably going to
tax the hell out of anything that is actually rated to tow my espresso
trailer. I need something that can tow 2.5t and has a decent amount
of weight. That leaves a transit probably as the only vehicle that
isn't a 4x4 but is still large enough?


http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
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Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply

On or around Wed, 01 Jun 2005 14:22:01 +0100, Danny
<danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Austin Shackles wrote:
>> You could always have this one:
>> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4551959705

>That would do me fine!

take note that the engine is big and heavy and non-standard, though; it
should have had uprated front springs fitted. It may or may not be
undergeared - the V8 discos, are, it seems to me, lower geared than the TDis
at that vintage; or looking at it another way, the later 300TDi we have here
shows lower revs than my "200" V8 at a given road speed.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn, The swallow twittering
from the strawbuilt shed, The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing
horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed."
Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.
Austin Shackles wrote:

> take note that the engine is big and heavy and non-standard, though; it
> should have had uprated front springs fitted. It may or may not be
> undergeared - the V8 discos, are, it seems to me, lower geared than the TDis
> at that vintage; or looking at it another way, the later 300TDi we have here
> shows lower revs than my "200" V8 at a given road speed.

I would also be worried about putting that power through a standard
xfer and gearbox?


http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply

On or around Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:15:57 +0100, Danny
<danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Austin Shackles wrote:
>> take note that the engine is big and heavy and non-standard, though; it
>> should have had uprated front springs fitted. It may or may not be
>> undergeared - the V8 discos, are, it seems to me, lower geared than the TDis
>> at that vintage; or looking at it another way, the later 300TDi we have here
>> shows lower revs than my "200" V8 at a given road speed.

>I would also be worried about putting that power through a standard
>xfer and gearbox?

I think it said it was an auto, and as such should be strong enough. Half
shafts might suffer, I suppose, although not as bad as the Series motors, as
you have 4 of 'em sharing the load.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so."
John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)

>That's my problem. Pretty soon the government are probably going to
>tax the hell out of anything that is actually rated to tow my espresso
>trailer. I need something that can tow 2.5t and has a decent amount
>of weight. That leaves a transit probably as the only vehicle that
>isn't a 4x4 but is still large enough?

Don't fret. Give 'em a while and they'll ban strong coffee as


Tim Hobbs

'58 Series 2 88" aka "Stig"
'77 101FC Ambulance aka "Burrt"
'03 Volvo V70
Tim Hobbs wrote:
>>That's my problem. Pretty soon the government are probably going to
>>tax the hell out of anything that is actually rated to tow my espresso
>>trailer. I need something that can tow 2.5t and has a decent amount
>>of weight. That leaves a transit probably as the only vehicle that
>>isn't a 4x4 but is still large enough?

> Don't fret. Give 'em a while and they'll ban strong coffee as
> well....

Just the excuse I need to take my business abroad and sell espresso in
France or Spain (or Hungary, given the TV programme on cheap property
there this evening!!!) ;)


http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply

On 2005-05-31, Danny <danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> wrote:

> I see that I can get a later (89/90) RR for the same money, but with
> higher mileage and often worse condition. Is there any reason why I
> should go for a later model if I end up getting a RR? Will the RR tow
> my trailer as well as the 110 did? Is a diesel RR any good?

To tie these together, the later RR Diesels had the 200Tdi engine.
This has a lot more power and a lot more torque than the VM unit
fitted to most RRCs. I have an 89 RR with a 200Tdi retro-fitted, and
it tows 2 tons of boat and trailer with no problem.

-- Pete
Pete Young wrote:
> To tie these together, the later RR Diesels had the 200Tdi engine.
> This has a lot more power and a lot more torque than the VM unit
> fitted to most RRCs. I have an 89 RR with a 200Tdi retro-fitted, and
> it tows 2 tons of boat and trailer with no problem.

Thanks. I used a Def90 for a few weeks whilst my 110 was having a new
engine, and with it's 2.5TD engine it pulled the trailer fine, but was
very smokey and lost power as the weeks went by. I eventually
diagnosed the dreaded blow-by as the rocker breather was pouring out
smoke and oil. I assume the 200Tdi would be better than this circa
'90 engine?


http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply

On or around Fri, 03 Jun 2005 19:58:55 +0100, Danny
<danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Thanks. I used a Def90 for a few weeks whilst my 110 was having a new
>engine, and with it's 2.5TD engine it pulled the trailer fine, but was
>very smokey and lost power as the weeks went by. I eventually
>diagnosed the dreaded blow-by as the rocker breather was pouring out
>smoke and oil. I assume the 200Tdi would be better than this circa
>'90 engine?

TDis are good, generally. A few of 'em overheat and damage heads, but
that's mostly due to englect and not due to any specific design faults.

I can offer you a 3.5 V8 disco, with LPG?

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
George Orwell (1903 - 1950) Animal Farm
Austin Shackles wrote:
> On or around Fri, 03 Jun 2005 19:58:55 +0100, Danny
> <danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> enlightened us thusly:
>>Thanks. I used a Def90 for a few weeks whilst my 110 was having a new
>>engine, and with it's 2.5TD engine it pulled the trailer fine, but was
>>very smokey and lost power as the weeks went by. I eventually
>>diagnosed the dreaded blow-by as the rocker breather was pouring out
>>smoke and oil. I assume the 200Tdi would be better than this circa
>>'90 engine?

> TDis are good, generally. A few of 'em overheat and damage heads, but
> that's mostly due to englect and not due to any specific design faults.
> I can offer you a 3.5 V8 disco, with LPG?

I would be interested (once my remortgage is sorted and I can sell the
Jeep) - alas, LPG is not available anywhere in Portsmouth, apart from
the dealer who installs LPG kit here (Autogas, I think). Southampton
has about 7 LPG garages, the nearest to me is about 30 miles :(


http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply

On or around Sat, 04 Jun 2005 19:56:19 +0100, Danny
<danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Austin Shackles wrote:
>> On or around Fri, 03 Jun 2005 19:58:55 +0100, Danny
>> <danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> enlightened us thusly:
>>>Thanks. I used a Def90 for a few weeks whilst my 110 was having a new
>>>engine, and with it's 2.5TD engine it pulled the trailer fine, but was
>>>very smokey and lost power as the weeks went by. I eventually
>>>diagnosed the dreaded blow-by as the rocker breather was pouring out
>>>smoke and oil. I assume the 200Tdi would be better than this circa
>>>'90 engine?

>> TDis are good, generally. A few of 'em overheat and damage heads, but
>> that's mostly due to englect and not due to any specific design faults.
>> I can offer you a 3.5 V8 disco, with LPG?

>I would be interested (once my remortgage is sorted and I can sell the
>Jeep) - alas, LPG is not available anywhere in Portsmouth, apart from
>the dealer who installs LPG kit here (Autogas, I think). Southampton
>has about 7 LPG garages, the nearest to me is about 30 miles :(

bladdy odd. nowt on the LPGA list either.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn, The swallow twittering
from the strawbuilt shed, The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing
horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed."
Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.
On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 10:59:59 +0100, MVP wrote:

> 'tis odd, here in rural cornwall I have 3 within about 15 miles.

And even I have an LPG outlet down in the village not quite 2 miles
away. Donno where the next nearest is though, probably Carlisle 20 odd
miles away.

Cheers new5pam@howhill.com
Dave. pam is missing e-mail

On 2005-06-03, Danny <danny@nospam.gaggia-espresso.com> wrote:

> smoke and oil. I assume the 200Tdi would be better than this circa
> '90 engine?

Probably , though it's a bit of an unfair comparison since the 2.5TD
was clearly on its way out. Before I bought the Rangie I had a 110
with a 2.5 TD, and the 200Tdi has more torque and more power. There
are probably more Discos running around with this engine than RRs

-- Pete
Pete Young wrote:
> Probably , though it's a bit of an unfair comparison since the 2.5TD
> was clearly on its way out. Before I bought the Rangie I had a 110
> with a 2.5 TD, and the 200Tdi has more torque and more power. There
> are probably more Discos running around with this engine than RRs
> though.
> -- Pete



http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.dannyscoffee.com (UK advert for my mobile espresso service)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/European online ordering for Malabar
Gold blend)
swap Z for above characters in email address to reply


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