
New Member
Hi guys, new to forums, had land rovers for years, I am also a film director and have used land rovers in both the feature films I have made so far. My new film is being set in present day Iraq and I need to built a current wolf spec that the british army would be using, so big roll cage, no doors, Browning .50 on top and GPMG on front etc. I know about the vehicles, but what I need is some really detailed photos of one, as I am planning on buying a 1980's 110 and modifying from there, have modded plenty of land rovers for film in the past so it won't be hard. So as I said I need really detailed pics that I can use, or alternatively go and see a one and take the pics myself which would be even better. I have looked at all the miltary museum websites and can't find any with the land rover I want. Please anybody with any ideas would be great, I just need some good research to base my work on. I really need pics of one that is fully kitted, as if out in the desert, such as would be seen in a museum diarama, but thats not essential.

Yeh I have done, I know exactly what the wolf's look like and pretty much how to build one (that would look right for film, not be functional for military use). That isn't the issue, what I need is high res images of all the little details, such as the dashboard, the SA80 racks between the seats, the radio systems and rolled sheets attached to the bonnet, the light covers and weapon mounts, I need a load of high quality pics that will give me the real specifics, I am not going to bodge something, I need to build a land rover that will be pretty much a perfect re-creation for close ups as well as overall. Our films go for international release, usually DVD and TV, this new project is aiming for a cinema release, so its not like I messing about for a backyard project. What I really could do with is being able to get up close to a wolf myself with a camera for half an hour, thats all it would take.
whats to say you aint a terrorist or a spy after a glimpse of the inside of our troop carriers just so that you can find the weak spots and the important equipment then you would know exactly where to aim your anti tank missiles and if i had given you that information i would never be able to sleep at nights, infact i wouldn't be able to live with myself and i would have to commit suicide therefore you would have the blood of an innocent family man on your hands but then if you were a terrorist you wouldn't really give a **** about little old me ;)
i can't believe its not butter nor can i believe a film director would have to resort to the internet for vehicle pics. shirley you have contacts in the business that can help with yer quest
yella disco said:
whats to say you aint a terrorist or a spy after a glimpse of the inside of our troop carriers just so that you can find the weak spots and the important equipment then you would know exactly where to aim your anti tank missiles and if i had given you that information i would never be able to sleep at nights, infact i wouldn't be able to live with myself and i would have to commit suicide therefore you would have the blood of an innocent family man on your hands but then if you were a terrorist you wouldn't really give a **** about little old me ;)

Think you just sussed im there yella ;)

God bless ya,
you just saved loads of our brave lads from a devious plot, I recon;)

Medals on its way , Just had a word wi Liz;)

There all at it now
LOL, like the paranoia :) Right, firstly, film directors are not God's nor generals, we don't just pick up a phone and pick out one of the thousand people that owe us favours and thats it, if your in Hollywood maybe, but the British film industry is tiny. We self fund our projects, and therefore often have to do much of the dirty work ourselves to keep costs down.

However, if you are interested, my name is Nick Thomas and my company Spearhead Films, easily found or go to

I am currently in contact with several people within the British army and am hoping to get access to some vehicles and other things for photographs, but you can never rely on getting that, so I am looking alternative means.

Surly just a green 110 van with the wolf roof (saw em for sale at billing, one pice aluminiul things i think), wolf rims, big antenas on the wings, wolf spare wheel mount and air intake cover, would be visualy close enough to a wolf? Those kinda mods wouldent take long.

If it's a WMIK you're after take a trip to Shoreham airport. Next door is the company who makes the kits - their yard is full of Defender XDs. Ask 'em nicely and they'll let you take some piccies (they're friendly peeps).

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