As the thread title says - I need a new radiator for my Disco II TD5 2001.

So far I've looked on line at:

Land Rover Parts.Com
Island 4 X 4
Famous 4

Prices range from £117 for a pattern one from Paddocks to £212 for a genuine part from Land Rover Parts.Com.

Any one got any other suggestions on where to buy one from?


Try Jon Daunter...based just down road from me.
01594 564600
Now you have said that you have received it you would have to return it by registered post to get a refund, unless you have bought it from a seller registered as a business. Then they have to pay the return post, but you would probably have to fight for it, but under the distance selling regulations they should pay, but only when they have received it back. Could be more hassle than than its worth.
If all other suggestions dont work try this stuff it seems good, but i would try the cheaper options first.
Repair Products - Repairing Leather, Vinyl, Tile, Wood, Fabric & Cars - 20 Plastic Repair - Plastex
Good luck
Thanks for the link to the plastic repair stuff Sqizzel. I got the rad from the 'bay for £40, trouble is having fitted it before realising it was broken I'll have to go through the palaver of removing the rad, returning it, sourcing another one and then fitting it.

If I can fix it it will save a lot of hassle and get me back on the road sooner.
An update on this:
I tried solvent weld to repair the broken spigot but the plastic of the rad didn't react to the solvent weld, I think it may be ABS powder reinforced plastic or something similar.

I used an offcut from the old rad and a gas soldering iron to melt and solder the spigot to the rad and then used epoxy metal to strengthen the joint. Seems to be holding up so far, thanks to those who offered advice.

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