Don't get all fookin technical. A search of white rust on aluminum will explain it, in much simpler terms:p
You've changed it ...
First you said it was 'white rust' ... now it's 'white rust on aluminium' ...
and I'm pleased to see your spelling is coming on well this term ... :D:D
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Bit like mole grips/viCe grips used as generic for technically they are adjustable locking pliers. or how a adjustable spanner/wrench is referred to as a crescent SPANNER wrench:p
You should really pay more attention if you're going to play in our playground ... :D:p:p
Here's some Landy Porn......;)
Engine and hoses look in good nik mate but at the first opportunity get under her and give that chasis a good going over with a wire wheel
Looks like you have had a good find tho mate well done

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