got ****ed off with bonnet catch siezing up and having to remove the grill to get to the catch to free it
so a mate of mine done a great little trick
take all the grill off so you can get to the catch and wire
he then used a pice off a clutch kit of some car dont know what it is tho
you slide one end onto the bonnet catch cable and tighten up the allen key bolt,to the other end he added a piece of cable and tightend up the allen key bolt to the end of this he added a small hook,this then hangs out the grill.when you want to open the bonnet pull the cable hey presto job jone,saves one person pulling the catch inside the motor and one trying to pull the bonnet when the catch is stuck
simple but works
Do you attach a spare ignition key to it as well, in case yours is in an inconvenient & hard to reach pocket? :D
got ****ed off with bonnet catch siezing up and having to remove the grill to get to the catch to free it
so a mate of mine done a great little trick
take all the grill off so you can get to the catch and wire
he then used a pice off a clutch kit of some car dont know what it is tho
you slide one end onto the bonnet catch cable and tighten up the allen key bolt,to the other end he added a piece of cable and tightend up the allen key bolt to the end of this he added a small hook,this then hangs out the grill.when you want to open the bonnet pull the cable hey presto job jone,saves one person pulling the catch inside the motor and one trying to pull the bonnet when the catch is stuck
simple but works

Is there a shortage of grease or summit? It takes 30 seconds to grease your bonnet catch. I bet it took longer to fit the 'Pull cord to steal me' device.:confused:
got ****ed off with bonnet catch siezing up and having to remove the grill to get to the catch to free it
so a mate of mine done a great little trick
take all the grill off so you can get to the catch and wire
he then used a pice off a clutch kit of some car dont know what it is tho
you slide one end onto the bonnet catch cable and tighten up the allen key bolt,to the other end he added a piece of cable and tightend up the allen key bolt to the end of this he added a small hook,this then hangs out the grill.when you want to open the bonnet pull the cable hey presto job jone,saves one person pulling the catch inside the motor and one trying to pull the bonnet when the catch is stuck
simple but works
say bye to your landy it going to be nick talk about making it easy to nick
Have you ever noticed these keys? - . , ' ? " ( )

They're quite useful. ;)

I fort they wuz symbols?????:confused:

I finks thems keys
:p :p :p
i aint botherd they wont steal it not untill they get past the wheel clamp,then the steering wheel clamp and then the clutch bar that locks onto the steering wheel,so if they can be botherd to get past that then good luck to them,,
also how they gonna steel it from inside the bonnet????
i thought you had to get inside the cab and then drive it from there???
so if they have got inside your ??cab then im sure they will find the handle that opens the bonnet from in there
I thought you'd ask that... It looks suspicious if you're trying to force the door of a car open. However, if you've already got the bonnet open, everyone assumes you've just broken down and they barely look at you.
broken down in a landrover surely not lol....
so how can you steal the landy from inside the bonnet???
youl need a bloody long coat hanger to get to the lock
I guess you don't have an alarm siren, starter motor, fuel pump solonoid, coil or anything in your engine bay then? :eek:
i do but the steering wheel,clutch accelerator,brake, seat are all still located inside the cab..which is i guess where the tea leaf would attempt to drive the vehicle from
so ok mr tea leaf has opend my bonnet and somehow started the motor
how does he now open the door?
then dissable steering lock??
the remove wheel clamp?
then remove steering wheel clamp?
then remove clutch clamp?
then drive motor away?
all because he could open the bonnet
He dunt he just nicks yer altenator & fuel pump Oh and for a laff he takes yer oil filler cap off and ****es in yer injun..
nicks my alternator good luck to him
took me an hr to take mine off and that was in the daytime
most teal leafs operate in the dark as they are all blood suckin vampires

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