
New Member
OK. Managed to get the NATO green paint off the Series III. Back down to primer.
What now?
Want something I can brush or roller on. Also it must be fast drying. Have to do the job outside. After all it is summer and will of course p**s it down every other day.
Might go down the Hammerite route but colour options limited.
Suggestions please.

PS got a 5 litre tin of Beckers going for grabs if anyone interested.
get a tin of landriover paint from paddocks, you can put it on with a roller or brush as well as spray. i think it comes in the three lr colours of limestone/blue/green
What colour is LR green Ratty? Hammerite are doing a Highland green matt & textured finish, its not a kick in the arse off NATO green
Hi there,
just had a look on the Hammerite site. They do a smooth green (not bad). But you can never tell what it's like until it's on. Also, when it's on it puts up a fight if you want it off. Can you paint over Hammerite with Acrylic or cellulose paint without it reacting?
Might nip out, buy a small tin and give it a test. Have used Hammerite before on other Land Rovers and had good results.
Keep the suggestions coming.
Hammerite is essentially cellulose based, you could blend with any other cellulose type. Once cured (several weeks) you can plaster anything over it.

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