Before I throw it away (as I should have done long ago), anyone any experience of getting these things repaired without having to deal with BBS?

Screen lights, beeps a few times but then screen switches off and totally unresponsive. Guess it's blown something at some point when inadvertently disconnected in wrong order.

Before I throw it away (as I should have done long ago), anyone any experience of getting these things repaired without having to deal with BBS?
IMO you can just forget about that unless you know a very skilled electronist who is willing(and able) to repair it for less than BBS would charge you ... which i doubt, though throwing it away is not a good ideea cos you still can get some money for it as it is or repair it and sell it as a good one, i've had mine repaired at them and the repair + postages was around 80 quid all in while you can sell a working nanocom with 200 as a bargain or start a bid there... the last i've seen on ebay was sold in no time for 230 quid , see this too
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Thanks, looks like that's the answer then, although I'm not wasting my time trying to deal with BS again. Anyone want to make me a (sensible) offer for it on the understanding you'll have to get it repaired yourself, feel free. Comes with cables, unlocked for Disco 2 V8.

Now the question of what to replace it with, Hawkeye or Lynx Evo?
Now the question of what to replace it with, Hawkeye or Lynx Evo
Steer clear of Lynx EVO, also if you have V8 Hawkeye has no programming capacity for the engine, only fault codes, then better go for Foxwell NT520 Land Rover(and Jag) which is cheaper that Hawkeye and covers all the models
Any particular issues with the Lynx? (Comments on LZ don't appear overly negative apart from lack of manual - but then same can be said for Nanocom). Noticed old post of yours about same system as Hawkeye but surely that's good. Is it just a pain to connect to tablet as was thinking it'd be a plus to be able to leave plugged in to diagnostic port and removes the whole poor design issue of the Nanocom and connections in wrong order?

Not worried about engine side as it's about to be 'Squirted at long last (partner's debating 5.0l Mustang and I'm not having her with more power than me so need to get the fuel mapped right for the 4.6!) so Hawkeye may be possible for non-engine side. Not come across the Foxwell, but thought that these cheaper ones (like iCarsoft) needed full OBDII compliance and that they won't do the BCU diagnostics?

So long as it does three amigos, key calibration, etc. I'm happy.
Any particular issues with the Lynx?
No problems with ''classic'' Lynx.... the problems are with Lynx EVO , which is a bad joke IMO... like Icarsoft which is even worst, i know as i tried them all.... though if you know better why did you ask? ....
Muddy Vicky said:
Not come across the Foxwell, but thought that these cheaper ones (like iCarsoft) needed full OBDII compliance and that they won't do the BCU diagnostics?
. none of them would do BCU ''diagnostics" eventually programming cos the BCU doesnt store fault codes, Foxwell is quite ''smart" in this area....

i'll rest my case here anyway if your choice is to get rid of a nanocom instead of fixing it for max 100 quid while you rather buy something else for 2X that price just like that???. Nanocom if you know how to use it is the smartest from all, though you can buy any tool if you\'ll misstreat it like you did with nanocom untill you ruined it... i'll give you the best free advice: fix the nanocom with BBS, take care of it and learn how to use it cos it's the best you can get... Good luck :confused:
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Appreciate the advice. I only know what I've read about the Lynx and there doesn't appear to be much about it that I can find hence me asking for anyone's advice. You appear to be the only person so it's an average of negative currently but if anyone else can chip in, I'd appreciate it.

Know a lot of people here think highly of the Nanocom and the tool itself is adequate. Unfortunately my experience of the customer service has been absolutely disgusting so have no interest in giving them any more money. At the end of the day, the Lynx is made by Britpart and I can get it from down the road (and take it back and hit the desk if it doesn't work 366 days after buying it).

Thanks again for your help,
I also have Nanocom, bought it as new and from the very beginning i had issues with it. It work but unstable. A week after i received i contacted BBS and asked them to solve my problem. After several software updates they told to send back and they will check, but if they will not find any issue i will have to pay the transport to and back and the cost of checking. As from hungary it is not cheap i decided not to send and since i use it as it is. I am also not satisfied with their customer service.
I just bought a Nanocom for my p38 2 weeks ago 10/06/2020, ( 1997 2.5dse) from Cyprus, Blackbox. It does not have switch on it to turn on and off ! this give a lot of problems, especially when on your aching knees trying to get it to plug in. Then it does not want to work and just blows fuse number 33 four times. Upgraded the fuse 3 times. 5 then 7.5 then 10. Nevertheless the Nanocom tells me lots of different things like "this app. doesn't work" but not the info about my car that I bought it for ! ! Getting fed up will return it and hope for a better service. I've just bought a 4.6 1999 p38 as a second car and expect I'll have to pay to get the Nanocom upgraded to cover the extra vehicle. I previously had a Hawkeye and found it a bit limited but reliable. Not impressed with the Nanocom so far hoping for better results after getting the maker to repair it, got to send it back.
....It does not have switch on it to turn on and off !....
The on/off switch is on the touch screen(yellow icon in the right bottom corner after you exit the menus) ... but btw most of the handheld diagnostic tools dont have a switch as it's not needed... might be some operator error if you didnt notice that and maybe you didnt select the proper menu or didnt initialise the tool well... did you at least read it's user guide ? ... though the fact that it blows the fuse it's not OK, you should try it on other vehicle too just to be sure it's nit some trouble with your data link
are you connecting it right. If you plug the lead in the vehicle first, then connect the plug onto the unit, Ive seen comments it can blow a fuse.
when you hold your finger on the touch screen with light pressure for more that 8 seconds, it will restart.
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Went on Nano site and a recent total reprogramed download, at their suggestion after they sent me an email. Local garage checked the obd with their HawkeyPro
and found they couldn't access some things so now presume the obd is faulty, corroded probs. Have obtained another from Aberystwyth and will rewire colour wire to colour wire as suggested by Datatek. Incidentally my P38 V8 arrived from Spain it appears to be a Bosch engine, with only 32000kms clocked, hoping for at least some carefree motoring, the petrol gauge is not accurate, just found out as the overfill pipe works. Otherwise it's very quiet compared to the 2.5 DSE, and comfy, so this is what they were like new! My previous P38's had 180000 miles when I bought them. And so to rewiring the OBD connector, bought a new soldering iron and solder roll, posh strippers, and a variety of connectors, if I'm not yet colour blind should workout.
Best to leave the data cable permanently screwed to the nanocom ( so the only thing you're doing is plugging to the OBD to turn it on), and when you have finished a session x/x/x all the way and shut down before removing from the OBD. It's a bit of a PITA, but if it avoids blown fuses and/or returning to Cyprus then it has to be worth it. Once you have it sussed it's plain sailing, but it does, admittedly, take a while to get on top of.
Before I throw it away (as I should have done long ago), anyone any experience of getting these things repaired without having to deal with BBS?

Screen lights, beeps a few times but then screen switches off and totally unresponsive. Guess it's blown something at some point when inadvertently disconnected in wrong order.

Do you still have the Nanocom as I would be intrested in purchasing it as is

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