I guess I'm the bitter one here.....bell why after the shoddy treatment we EVO buyers got from BBS should we feel the need extend the hand of friendship to bbs...after all he took the money and the company and showed absolutely no good will in any way...and that's probably all it would have taken in those earlier day's, just a statement that BBS would hope to enjoy a good relationship with customers of older products and hope they can help in the future....Is that what your offering....it would go someway to mend bridges........bridges that BBS CHOSE to burn...and apart from yourself he still seems to regard that as his best move.

I for one didn't expect it to come free especially if expensive development was required....but bug fixes I would expect...that's not too much to ask. Is it?

after all its the nature of the industry to charge for new upgraded software, so it would be unreasonable for a company to give away its intellectual rights free...but again BUG fixes are just that especially when the bug lead to damage when the said device is operated as it should be, in accordance with its instructions.
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