
Active Member
Hi, may be a few stong words used here, but i use them politly to enforce what ive been trying to for the last 6 months. No direct offence inteneted to any reader.

As we all know for the last 6 months Nanocom my self and BBSGUY have had a lot of S**t on this forum for many reasons but all related to the tool in some way shape or form.

Id first like to say "From my own mouth" that I KNOW because Colin has told me and made it quite clear to me that he will no longer participate in this forum due to the past events and slander he has been given and i can personally dont blame him.
Infact i must be mad to be still here given what ive had to put up with, and the only reason i still am is because underneeth all the crap chatted here by some it seems a good forum and i have a few friends here.

As it seems to me, everything Colin or I say or even try to say is criticized in some way shape or form by some members that dont even have a Nanocom or a clue on whats needed to make one!
Colin is criticized for spamming and im criticized as im told i know nothing about BBS or are not in a postion to know so i should not post, well please let me advise you firmly. I AM and I DO.

I will personally stay here if you all so wish and TRY when I have time spare and can do so help as much as i can given the situation that has been going on in the past threads, though I wont personally take criticizem or doubt any more when all im trying to do ie help you all.
The choice is yours, their is some forum help if you want it or not take it or leave it.

A point id like to make very clear to the criticizing members, im not a liar, I dont talk crap, I tell the truth to what i know, and when I say I KNOW all will be ok, i mean ALL WILL BE OK.


That bit over here is how I KNOW what i know. to make it plane and simpe for the critics ive taken a few pictures for you and it should be all the proof needed to make you see im not chatting sh*t :D

The main public release info and details will be as i said all along, on the web site and the BBS web site when publicly available and final.

Since the take over of the Nanocom BBS have had to deal with many, many things in relation to the new business and its products, and as I said before start from a fresh with what turned out to be a tool that some people had glitches with of which they had no clue when they took the company.
Though many of the critics think updates and fixes should have been out a long time ago due to the fact Matia is now working for BBS what you fail to remember it was him unknowlingly who also made the bugs in the software in the first place!
So as I also previousley said, BBS staff have had to start a fresh even though they had the creators help on the project.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of whats been going on in the last 6 months since the takeover with the staff Beta test program for firmware 2.06 on the NC1..

BBS has recently introduced a public Beta test program, but somehow I don't expect he will be posting up an invite on this forum anymore no matter how much I try and talk him round, the damage is done !

First of all a real lot of work to give what will be soon out "As i said"


A menu picture


And another menu picture


As i said above the main details will be posted when its publicly available but ive been testing and working with this stuff silently since the take over.
This as you can i hope imagine in no small job under the circuamstances that BBS are under.

And YES its for ALL nanocom owners old and new, just as i said in January if i didnt mention that already in this post :cool:

Ohh and i best not forget, they have been also working on a :2nd generation Evolution" which is in a more robust aluminum case, again with the color touch screen and simple menus as its predecessor has got.

I have taken a few pictures of mine as there isnt any other pictures available anywhere because its not been available.









PS if anyone wants a friendly conversation about the above ill be at Billing Landrover show next week to help, adivse or answer questions as i can on all Nanocom tools.
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Hi, may be a few stong words used here, but i use them politly to enforce what ive been trying to for the last 6 months. No direct offence inteneted to any reader.

As we all know for the last 6 months Nanocom my self and BBSGUY have had a lot of S**t on this forum for many reasons but all related to the tool in some way shape or form.

Id first like to say "From my own mouth" that I KNOW because Colin has told me and made it quite clear to me that he will no longer participate in this forum due to the past events and slander he has been given and i can personally dont blame him.
Infact i must be mad to be still here given what ive had to put up with, and the only reason i still am is because underneeth all the crap chatted here by some it seems a good forum and i have a few friends here.

As it seems to me, everything Colin or I say or even try to say is criticized in some way shape or form by some members that dont even have a Nanocom or a clue on whats needed to make one!
Colin is criticized for spamming and im criticized as im told i know nothing about BBS or are not in a postion to know so i should not post, well please let me advise you firmly. I AM and I DO.

I will personally stay here if you all so wish and TRY when I have time spare and can do so help as much as i can given the situation that has been going on in the past threads, though I wont personally take criticizem or doubt any more when all im trying to do ie help you all.
The choice is yours, their is some forum help if you want it or not take it or leave it.

A point id like to make very clear to the criticizing members, im not a liar, I dont talk crap, I tell the truth to what i know, and when I say I KNOW all will be ok, i mean ALL WILL BE OK.


That bit over here is how I KNOW what i know. to make it plane and simpe for the critics ive taken a few pictures for you and it should be all the proof needed to make you see im not chatting sh*t :D

The main public release info and details will be as i said all along, on the web site and the BBS web site when publicly available and final.

Since the take over of the Nanocom BBS have had to deal with many, many things in relation to the new business and its products, and as I said before start from a fresh with what turned out to be a tool that some people had glitches with of which they had no clue when they took the company.
Though many of the critics think updates and fixes should have been out a long time ago due to the fact Matia is now working for BBS what you fail to remember it was him unknowlingly who also made the bugs in the software in the first place!
So as I also previousley said, BBS staff have had to start a fresh even though they had the creators help on the project.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of whats been going on in the last 6 months since the takeover with the staff Beta test program for firmware 2.06 NC1.

BBS has recently introduced a public Beta test program, but somehow I don't expect he will be posting up an invite on this forum anymore no matter how much I try and talk him round, the damage is done !

First of all a real lot of work to give what will be soon out "As i said"


A menu picture


And another menu picture


As i said above the main details will be posted when its publicly available but ive been testing and working with this stuff silently since the take over.
This as you can i hope imagine in no small job under the circuamstances that BBS are under.

And YES its for ALL nanocom owners old and new, just as i said in January if i didnt mention that already in this post :cool:

Ohh and i best not forget, they have been also making a more robuts, more user friendly, more easly updatable future proof tool which will for sure help its users more in the long run.

Its also got available soonP38 RangeRover in its menu which the old Nanocom didnt have.

It called the Nanocom Evolution 2, I have taken a few pictures of mine as there isnt any other pictures available anywhere because its not been available.


Blue OBD for normal use, Green for P38 use.











PS if anyone wants a friendly conversation about the above ill be at Billing Landrover show next week to help, adivse or answer questions as i can.

Hi Pete

I'm not trying to start an arguement and don't want to drag up whats been said in the past threads but I also don't think that Colin helped himself in some of his responses to people that had just spent their money on the evo. I think colin is lucky to have you on his side as you and your belief in him are the only reason that I for one would still consider buying a nanocom evo.

A while back I asked colin what a Nanocom evo could do that a Nanocom original can't. He was either unable or unwilling to answer me. I don't suppose you know the answer? I already have a nanocom original and use it mainly in instrument mode. I was/am thinking of getting an evo aswell for work purposes. Do you know if there is any software in the pipeline which will cover the rangie and freelander too?

A while back I asked colin what a Nanocom evo could do that a Nanocom original can't. He was either unable or unwilling to answer me. I don't suppose you know the answer? I already have a nanocom original and use it mainly in instrument mode. I was/am thinking of getting an evo aswell for work purposes. Do you know if there is any software in the pipeline which will cover the rangie and freelander too?


The older NC1 has not got full CAN BUS inside which is needed for the Puma, and any fully CAN cars. So it can only support what it does already due to the hardware limits it has, but of course updates to the current listed yet older model non CAN cars is no problem.

I cant really say about any new models to be added at the moment as BBS are concentrating on the final bits for the NC1 2.06 firmware upgrade which fixes a lot of the bugs they found after the take over in the old firmware of 2.04/2.05 and adds some new stuff also :), and of course working hard on the 2nd generation Nanocom EVO.

I must state that the 2.06 firmware is no means a fix all update. It fixes a few known bugs and adds some missing things like, full capability coverage for the SRS Airbag and Autobox for Discovery 2 for already D2 licenced units at no charge and importantly restores the important update process to the tool of which was damaged in the release of 2.04/2.05 by Matia some time ago, so there will inevitably be more updates from BBS in due course for the finer things that may be needed.

May be once the 2nd generation EVO is fully out and the 2.06 is making people happy again they may think on other models im really not sure as yet, up to now nothing has been said directly due to the work load they currently have with the current stuff.

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Now i may be slightly in accurate but i will for sure find out the exact answer if im wrong and let you know 100% as soon as i can.

But from my memory and knowlage of the older NC1 v the EVO i dont think the NC1 has got full CAN BUS inside which is needed for the Puma, and any fully CAN cars so i assume it can only support what it does already.

I cant really say about any new models at the moment as BBS are concentrating on the 2.06 firmware which fixes a lot of the bugs in the old firmware of 2.04 and 2.05 which was out before the take over, and of course working on the EVO2.

May be once the EVO2 is fully out with its P38 capeability and the 2.06 is making people happy again they may think on other models im really not sure as yet, upp to now nothing has been said directly due to the workload they currently have with the current stuff.



Do you know if there is likely to be another price hike when the evo2 comes out or is it likely to remain around the same price as the current evo?

Also if it has an instrument mode in the same way as the classic it may be worth supplying a mounting bracket with it or as an optional extra for those that wish to have it permanantly on when driving.
The price for the 2nd generation EVO will stay the same which is priced on the BBS web shop in the nanocom section, you can then if you wish buy any extra unlock codes for extra models fetures you may require at a very smalll price.

The 2.06 firmware upgrade on the NC1 may in some cases require a "Code: NCOM27" in circuit programmer at about 40 quid due to the nature of some bug in the last update 2.05 which Matia made before BBS was involved.

This programmer mentioned is now way used to update the NC1 with the new 2.06 firmware which of course the firmware its self is free to all.

The programmer will be needed for all NC1 updates from now on due to the error caused from the 2.05 firmware Matia made.

That said, people can share a programmer if they dont want to spend 40 quid for the device to make the updates.

Id like to add and clarify for the public before i get slated.

The programmer is a non profitable way to give you the free firmware upgrade and is sold by BBS at virtually cost.

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@Pete I stated previously that I have no issue with Technical help, as soon as it becomes the product placement hype-I will have and be relentless

I have publicly said that I would buy from yourself, even though you think I'm making it Personal.

So stick to Technical help and I'm sure you will be most welcome.
may be worth supplying a mounting bracket with it or as an optional extra for those that wish to have it permanantly on when driving.

Sorry i forgot to add an answer to your question in my previous post.

The 2nd generation EVO is made in such a way i think a mounting bracket can be easly made your self and added and attached if you so wish, ill get some close ups tomorrow for you.

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Sorry i forgot to add, the case of the EVO2 is made in such a way i think a mounting bracket can be easly ande and attached, ill get some close ups tomorrow for you.


think you've just crossed the help/spammer line old chap
not that specific post, this thread in general

could I post reams of info about products that I sell ?

a persons actions are what defines them, We know my feelings towards certain people.

Why not start a fresh and give it say a month, if there is spam product placement-come down like a ton of bricks.

If Pete feels a bit more keen to join in and partake in LZ with technical help etc- I can only see it as positive.
Why not start a fresh and give it say a month, if there is spam product placement-come down like a ton of bricks.

this thread isnt spam ?

it's a shame the other chap had such an arsey attitude to customers, that's what folk will find first when they go googling, self inflicted wound so no sympathy from me at all

time will tell eh ......
Thanks for giving the forum support it needs Sean of which the members and users are needing for there tools and that im offering for free.

Its an advise thread as to why updates were not out in January as people wished for, not a sales thread.

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Thanks for giving the forum support it needs Sean of which the members and users are needing for there tools and that im offering for free.


think you might have a few to many words and not quite enough commas in that sentence - but I get the drift of what you mean ;)
this thread isnt spam ?

it's a shame the other chap had such an arsey attitude to customers, that's what folk will find first when they go googling, self inflicted wound so no sympathy from me at all

time will tell eh ......

:pop2::D feeling better, thought you were a bit too relaxed:p
im glad it was understood, i excell in binary primarily not english.

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01110101 01101101 00101100 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01100111 01101110 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01110011 01110100

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