Thats a really lovely looking dog Merlin, The gloss on it's coat is just amazing.

The front paws look just huge ;-)

I note you also elected for the Dog bone shaped tag ;-)

I don't know what got into Poppie today, but she licked me constantly and would not settle unless she was in my arms / on my lap where she would then happily and very contentedly fall asleep.

TBH, looking after Poppie has taken precident for me over any business related activity, just as it has on this thread, and TBH i really do not mind this one single bit.

Mans best friend :) and they know it :D
Colin, the picture doesn't really show his (Oscar's) size, but of course the paws give it away - he is huge!, mum was a labrador, dad was a giant poodle making him an F1 Labradoodle.

He turns 2 at the beginning of December and has at times been absolutely bonkers!

He has calmed down now and is making a superb family dog.

He loves to jump in to the boot of the Range Rover, if I open it for any reason, he's in!

My children researched carefully before we chose to buy a Labradoodle, he has been an excellent choice.

The Nanocom arrived today, registration was straightforward, and I have had it hooked up to the car this evening.

Thanks again Colin.


Funny you should say about cars and dogs Paul, Camo instantly jumped into any car, including the neighbours, at even the slightest opportunity, and would jump between seats to stop getting taken out, so it was a multi person job to evict her.

She just loved riding in my P38 which i was using at the time and of course Poppie is just the same. Poppie would always want to be on my lap when driving, but fortunately has now become comfortable on the back seat.

I don't fancy Oscar being on my lap :pound:

Good choice from your kids though and nice that they got some involvement in that ;)

Glad to hear that your Evolution has arrived already. Shipping time is almost always within just 2 working days which is not bad considering the distance and logistics involved.

Also glad to hear you had no problems registering and getting / entering your licence / unlock codes.

What do you think of it so far ?

We have actually been constantly improving every aspect of the nanocom, including the documentation. And we set up a dedicated forum for it a couple of years back, which is free for all nanocom owners to join and now has over 500 users and over 1000 posts


Over the last month we have also been working very hard on producing a brand new website specifically for the nanocom that will very soon replace the existing one.

We have also collected a small list of minor bugs that have been found and we will shortly be sorting out, But in the meantime my development team have been very hard at work adding coverage on the Nanocom Evolution of all later CAN BUS based vehicles. This upgrade, that we are trying very hard to get ready in time for Christmas, will not only bring the Nanocom right up to date, covering D3/4, Sports including the new 2014 model, Full Range Rovers from 2010 on, including the new L405, Defenders, Freelander2's and Evoques but also assure its continued value and worth for existing owners.

if you would like to see this, here are a couple of links to some You tube Videos

Nanocom for CAN Bus Vehicles - YouTube

Flash File Download final - YouTube

Don't panic Parisien

Plenty of time to go yet.
I'll be interested to see the price of the CAN bus versions Colin, not much competant kit around at a reasonable price at the moment.
That's the million dollar question of course Datatek
But we feel confident that our pricing means it will also become the best there is at the price as it already is for owners of the models it currently covers ;-)

Sorry i did not cover your reply comment in my last post Thebest4x4byfar, Better late than never ;-)
Mans best friend and they know it
Normally that is very true, but sadly there are some cases where the first thing they experience and learn is that Man was somewhat less than a best friend.

Sadly only some dogs get to learn that it really depends on the Man ;-)

By example.
One Sunday afternoon, i took the P38 off roading, following a really very unused track in a very remote area.
Quite some way off the side of the track, my wife spots a small cardbord box. On stopping to investigate this sealed box, we open it to discover that it contains something that any dog lover would find truly horrific.


These two brothers were actually struggling to even breath as the box was totaly sealed, and just abolutely alive with fleas. We took them home in the boot, sprayed them down with a flea killer spray and finally gave them a bath which they seriously enjoyed.

Using this same picture and Via a local contact that uses Twitter to find suitible homes we found a family in Germany willing to take them both in.
Lufthansa gave us a really good rate to help us get them there.

Best Money i ever spent :amen:
Sad what the human species will do. We found 3 Border Collie type pups abandoned in the cold on a little track we walk with the dogs, 2 were dead but we saved the third and found a home for it.
Now why am i not surprized to read that you are also a kindrid spirit Datatek ;)

Yea Parisen, Camo was a true lap dog with such a lovable, respectful and kind nature about her, that someone had clearly once invested some time and emotion on, only to then drive her to a really small village and just, carelessly dump her like some bag of trash in her hour of most need and support.

Just makes my blood boil, but at least their loss was my gain.

I would like to add to my last post about Poppies story is that that hand rearing pups with a mothers milk replacement that is bottle fed is one thing. But this replacement milk is for cases where you have no mother or a mother that has no milk at all. If you miss a feed, all you would have is a very hungry pup.

In this case however, if we missed even one feed, or were not paying sufficient and constant attention, Poppie would have succled from Camo and drank infected milk that would have killed her, just as it did her sister and brother.

As i have stated, it really was a race to save her with every minute counting and getting her through the first night really was quite some accomplishment.

But by the next day Mum and Pup were inseperable and totally oblivious.



Note the pink fur covered hot water bottle as well as the towel covering Camos teats just in case.

Many days and nights went by with our having to be just as attentive as we were the first night. Me and the wife even had to tag team on toilet trips.

But sure enough the pup quickly grew ever stronger and larger.

You guys are killing me.....

(but keep ordering those Nano's so we can see more of this gorgeous Poppie and mother!)
Hi Colin, Will the current Nano be able to upgrade to the CAN bus for later models? Is one of the little bugs your currently working on the one where you must connect to a non running engine before starting the car to get live feeds (P38 THOR) It's the only thing which I find a slight bother and then only if I'm working something which needs me to keep starting the engine. I find the rest of it excellent and without I'd of never found the issues with my P38. I can honestly say knowing it will support later RR's would make consider buying a later car in the future.
Useful point....just about to hit place order button......again a P38 THOR....

Now being sent

Cheers ;)
Poppie and camo are so photogenic and gorgeous i do have have lots of pictures of them to share, but sometimes it is more about capturing a moment. So just for you here is an especially funny one i managed to capture, because as much as my wife and I constantly watched over Poppie, It was Mainly Camo's job, when she had to go out for walks herself, she enlisted the help of a couple of Deputies to watch over her in the form of our other two dogs, Jerry Lee and Cindi (to the front) who were very dilligent.


Of course both were dumped as puppies and rescued by us. Jerry outside our house with his brother who we sadly lost and Cindi who my wife actually saw being thrown out of a Pick up truck into the road before it sped off.
Too small to climb the kerb to some form of safety Cindi wandered back into the middle of the road and was about to be ran over by a car when my Wife reached the scene and jumped into the road causing the car to stop in the nick of time for both of them.

Here is a picture of her.


The next photo i will post up in this pictorial story is also one that captures a special moment in Poppies story, namely the magical moment when she first opens her eyes and sees who is feeding her for the very first time.

hiya doz.
Yes, this CAN BUS vehicle model coverage will automatically be added as a part of the next software upgrade.

We will almost certainly be releasing this before Christmas this year (2013) and i would hope that there will be enough time left after my team get the CAN BUS part ready for release that we can also add the few small changes / fixes we need to do on the existing models. If not there will almost certainly soon be other software releases as in all honesty i very much doubt the CAN BUS coverage will not have some bugs and need some tweaking, and it will be in these

The Motronic (P38 Thor) one you mention being probably the first and easiest to do.

Glad to hear you are otherwise very happy with your Evolution and have been making good use of it.

The later vehicles are of course more complex and as such i understand that having good quality and affordable diagnostic equipment is an important consideration.

I have no doubt that my Admin Angels looked after you very well today ;-)
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Yes BBS, the front desk girls sorted things out very quickly and professionally, thanks again, its on its way somewheres over Italy now I believe.....;)

Hiya Parisien

Yep, we here at BBS my Admin Angels do have a knack of making things happen really quickly.

And for sure when you get this equipment it will almost open your eyes to a whole new world.

As one of the members that initially participated in this thread that has ultimately led to this group buy event happening at all, your purchase, under the fun based Poppie story picture per order allows me to post up probably the most oppertunistic and significant photo i have ever taken.


I really did not expect this to happen when and how it did. I expected it to be someting i would discover had happened rather that actually witness happening.

I started feeding Poppie with a bottle just as i had countless times before, and suddenly half way through her feed, her normally closed eyes opened at least a little.

Given what we had been through, you can all hopefully appreciate how increadibly significant this event actually was for us at the time.

As the measure of her growth and size has become most notable by comparison to my hand, i should add that shortly after Poppies eyes opened that even my hand was not really big enough

Colin you are a complete and utter bar steward !!!

I am not having another dog
I am not having another dog
I am not having another dog
I wonder if the dog's home is open on a Saturday?
Colin you are a complete and utter bar steward !!!

I am not having another dog
I am not having another dog
I am not having another dog
I wonder if the dog's home is open on a Saturday?
I hate this thread - and I love this thread...

I have had just the very same convo my my other half...she just will not stop....

So again thanks Colin..... ;) :D:D

(but keep it coming :D:D:D:D)

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