We are really really sorry Dogsbody


We do try to stay out of trouble but sometimes i can't help but get into mischief, even though i know its wrong.


Hiya Lowfat,
Thank you but not exactly a return, just a short visit to help some members out and of course share a bit about of the sort of things i have been up to and the new love of my life.

As the document states, it is for kits and other stuff ordered at the same time.
In fairness, we only ask £42 for additional licenses to start with, and i do have to make a living so i can keep Poppie in the lifestyle she has become accustomed to ;-)
Ordered mine this morning, had confirmation from Colin's "Admin Angels"

Looking forward to interrogating the systems on the RR.......

What a great offer from Colin at BBS, thanks again.
As this seems to have evolved into a dog thread, here's some photo's of mine.





The play fights have to be seen to be belived, they look like they are going to kill each other, but never a scratch:)


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Will you lot stop it...the other half is in my ear hole....'i wanna puppy...i wanna puppy....' :p :D:D:D:D:D:D::D
I'm trying to talk the Missus into getting a second dog. Found some lovely Staffie Puppies. I'd like a girl to boss about our current Staff/mastiff cross.
You are most welcome merlinpjl
I am only happy to do what i can to help such decent folks as you guys out.

My Admin Angels are absolutely second to non and every order placed yesterday will have been on a plane by the end of the day. You should already have tracking info ;)

Thanks for sharing some of your own doggy pics. Given your dogs bad start in life as well as looking really great and well looked after he is, the pictures of him in his environment and sharing it with the cat are amazing to see, and clearly show how comfortable, confident and content he is with no small thanks to you ;)

My favorite is the third picture where he has his front legs crossed and is sharing the space in front of the fire on the Padding you have thoughtfully put there. And i note there is food and water, a scratching post and basket all right there for them too.

I have to ask what his name is especially? it would not be Patch by chance LOL

That is one seriously big dog. No wonder you own a landie :)

Your dog looks well capable of quite some mischief, I love the bone shaped dog tag BTW, i always use these for mine :)

Since this has indeed now become as much a doggy oriented thread as much as a Nanocom Evolution Group buy thread, I have a fun idea that i am sure no one except perhaps Saint.V8 might object to and he could always use ear plugs ;)

For every Nanocom Evolution purchased under this group buy, I will post up a really nice picture of Poppie etc depicting and explaining her amazing story from beginning to end alongside telling the whole story as it happened and unfolded.

What do you guys think ?


Hi Colin, the dog came to us with the name Hooch! The French have this system of names where the first letter changes every month. He knew his name so no point changing it, the French don't pronounce the h, so it's Oooch LOL, Following the theme the kitten was named Howie when he arrived. They are a pair of softies, although the dog will put the fear of God up strangers which is just what is wanted the keep the Manouche away.
Your pup is just so pretty, especially the look with your shoe! I'm sure Mrs Saint.V8 wpould love one just like it, she ought to drag Ant off to Cypruss for a holiday and take one back LOL.
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Love the picture idea. Thinking of buying another Nano just to see and hear Poppy's story.
Cheers guys.

Glad you approve of my fun idea.

Interesting to hear of your inheriting and keeping the names Datatek. I have been called upon to come up with suitible names all our dogs, including Poppie and her Mother, and as such i think i have been pretty inventive and creative as i will duly explain.

Don't worry doz, you wont need to buy anything as i am more than happy to make a start based on the first purchases already made.

As i have already explained, the story first started when in early January this year we were constructing a wooden carport and this quite beautiful, super clean and really exceptionally well mannered dog just turned up out of the blue.


She would just hang around and watch, most often snuggling down in the piles of wood shavings. Her colouring was so close to these shavings that my guys had to be careful not to step on her. As such i jokingly called her Camoflage or Camo for short. This was a name that would stick to this day.

Of course we did all we could to locate Camo's origional owner and look after her in the meantime, and after no one claimed her, one of the guys was going to take her home with him to be a companion to his other dog when we were all met with quite a surprize one morning.


As you will have already read, despite our very best efforts, two of Camo's three pups died very quickly and i still have yet to concile myself about this, and may well never get over it, but the last pup was also expected to also suffer the same fate.

However against all odds and despite all adversity, me and my wife were not willing to give up so easily and after the initial mercy dash, we then spent the entire night hand feeding the pup, keeping it warm and watching over it every minute alongside Camo.

It was a really very long and hard night that none of us got a wink of sleep in, almost constantly feeding the pup


After what seemed like an absolute eternity the sun finally started to rise and against all odds and expectation, when the sun rose the pup was indeed still alive and doing well.

Those who own and understand dogs will know that they can actually communicate with you in many ways, but you do not have to be some doctor dolittle or even a dog owner to see and appreciate the look and message of thanks in Camos eyes in this picture


Hopefully poppies story with pictures will continue ;-)
I had better not show these pics to my wife or she will be out hunting for a suitable mating for Gem.

Gem won the equivalent of the lottery coming here. A working farm border collie living in a barn. Her !st owner died and we where told she was a working dog that slept in a kennel. After 7 nights of her being put in the kennel and breaking out. She is now firmly resident on the office sofa!! Still works, rounds up sheep, cows and enjoys rolling in fox poo!!!
Dog free home here.......am I still eligible for the discount Colin??!!



PS But we have a cat.....:)
Thats a really lovely looking dog Merlin, The gloss on it's coat is just amazing.

The front paws look just huge ;-)

I note you also elected for the Dog bone shaped tag ;-)

I don't know what got into Poppie today, but she licked me constantly and would not settle unless she was in my arms / on my lap where she would then happily and very contentedly fall asleep.

TBH, looking after Poppie has taken precident for me over any business related activity, just as it has on this thread, and TBH i really do not mind this one single bit.

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