Hiya all, especially Datatek and Wammers ;)

As many will know, it has now been a few years since i last participated on this forum following unmoderated personal attacks on me by certain members claiming facts that are simply untrue, that also tried their very best to sabotage the last Group buy here.

I have no desire or need to participate on forums that allow this and my making this post on this thread does not change that.

However, i have been contacted by multiple and very decent members of this forum asking for my help about this group buy possibility, and of course see that there is a sufficient intrest and i do not see why they should suffer because of the acts of a few other selfish or jelous members. In fact it is probably high time i stuck my own finger up to them ;-)

As such, as long as there are no objections from the administration and or moderation of this forum, i would offer to assist in this group buy, by providing a special Promo code for this that would get any pre existing member of this forum a 25% discount on any Nanocom system and additional unlock codes purchased directly from us at the same time, that would be valid until midnight on the last day of November 2013.

And yes i did say 25%, this is not a typo, just me willing to have Nanocoms helping Land Rover owners out as they were designed to do rather than sit on my shelf.

As payments would be made in directly to us and units shipped directly from us to you, this of course would automatically bypass secondary shipping costs, and all the usual concerns and troubles that would normally be problems for group buys.



Nice, thanks... Do we order from you directly via website?
Hi Merlinplj, will do this pm, and as per Charlestons query, will clarify with BBS/Colin and put the info up on the new thread on the General Chat section later too

Hi Colin, welcome back, as Wammers said I hope the cloud from the EU crap has lifted, how's the dog by the way? Must get round to doing the updates on my Faultmate!
Hiya all and many thanks for the warm and welcome response.

Sorry i can't get round to respond to everyone, but most stuff will become clear.

Although as our you tube video shows, we are adding coverage for all new models, because the 02 to 09 L322 contains and ever changing number of BMW systems, we have currently elected to leave this out of our development schedule for the Evolution, but may well look at including it in the not too distant future.

Wammers & Datatek
Although the really awful banking problems we had here about 7 months ago, that left us so helpless are now no longer headline news, the fall out and on going effects continue to grow and affect us.

And speaking of helpless, growing and affecting, thanks for asking about poppie Datatek. She is now just so amazingly beautiful and such a huge part of my everyday life.

Before i post some pictures, i really should warn all other Dog lovers (Dogsbody) to stop reading now or get some tissues as although it is a little off topic, although there was a mercy dash in my P38 involved, i would summerize her very sad story, albeit for her, as you will see, it clearly has a happy ending.

Earlier this year, while working on building a carport at my house, a really beautiful and very well natured and super clean female dog turned up that had been abandoned. Not exactly unusual here. We took her in, did all the usual found stuff and then found her a home, as we already have two.

But just before being re homed, she produced 3 pups.

Sadly, despite our best efforts, two died the following day and the last one was clearly not far behind. The vet said, the mothers milk was infected and the last pup was so small and weak that it would almost certainly also die within the hour.


After a load of wasting your time, other end of town, really expensive kinda comments, there was one long shot of a chance, that saw me drive the trusty P38 like a lunatic, breaking all manner of traffic rules, crossing central reservations and much worse.

But within 30 minutes the P38 got me where i needed to be, where i got what i needed, got me back to the office, where i prepared the formula and got that puppy to drink it from the bottle.

It was really touch and go for quite a while, and me and the missus had to feed it every two hours throughout the day and night which took quite some tag teaming to stop it even trying to succle of the mother which continued for 10 days and beyond.


six months on, here is a fairly recent picture of her enjoying the Cyprus sun :)


Anyway, I am sorry to digress a bit off topic.
Hiya all and many thanks for the warm and welcome response.

Sorry i can't get round to respond to everyone, but most stuff will become clear.

Although as our you tube video shows, we are adding coverage for all new models, because the 02 to 09 L322 contains and ever changing number of BMW systems, we have currently elected to leave this out of our development schedule for the Evolution, but may well look at including it in the not too distant future.

Wammers & Datatek
Although the really awful banking problems we had here about 7 months ago, that left us so helpless are now no longer headline news, the fall out and on going effects continue to grow and affect us.

And speaking of helpless, growing and affecting, thanks for asking about poppie Datatek. She is now just so amazingly beautiful and such a huge part of my everyday life.

Before i post some pictures, i really should warn all other Dog lovers (Dogsbody) to stop reading now or get some tissues as although it is a little off topic, although there was a mercy dash in my P38 involved, i would summerize her very sad story, albeit for her, as you will see, it clearly has a happy ending.

Earlier this year, while working on building a carport at my house, a really beautiful and very well natured and super clean female dog turned up that had been abandoned. Not exactly unusual here. We took her in, did all the usual found stuff and then found her a home, as we already have two.

But just before being re homed, she produced 3 pups.

Sadly, despite our best efforts, two died the following day and the last one was clearly not far behind. The vet said, the mothers milk was infected and the last pup was so small and weak that it would almost certainly also die within the hour.


After a load of wasting your time, other end of town, really expensive kinda comments, there was one long shot of a chance, that saw me drive the trusty P38 like a lunatic, breaking all manner of traffic rules, crossing central reservations and much worse.

But within 30 minutes the P38 got me where i needed to be, where i got what i needed, got me back to the office, where i prepared the formula and got that puppy to drink it from the bottle.

It was really touch and go for quite a while, and me and the missus had to feed it every two hours throughout the day and night which took quite some tag teaming to stop it even trying to succle of the mother which continued for 10 days and beyond.


six months on, here is a fairly recent picture of her enjoying the Cyprus sun :)


Anyway, I am sorry to digress a bit off topic.

Nice to hear a happy ending Colin:D:D
Thats just too cute.....

Thanks for the update Colin, and what a fantastic story!
Colin not only are you a Guru of all things electrical on LR's but your also a man with a very big heart. What a story and the woofer now looks amazing. To you sir I take my hat off. I've had two rescue dogs now and both times they have turned out excellent. Considering my current one was badly beaten he has become so trusting as long as you don't mess with his front paws (we have to muzzle him for any treatment to his front feet at the vets. God only knows what horrors happened to him) We call him Hero. As that's what he is. For being so forgiving and willing to give us humans another chance.

Well done. Now back to topic. Sorry guys. :focus:
Cheers Guys.

As with many countries, Dogs are not highly regarded here, and as with you doz, you sometimes encounter cruelty beyond belief that just makes your blood boil.

I have actually lost count of how many cases i have now been involved with, at least a dozen, and i don't consider myself especially considerate or heroic.
Just being a decent human being and doing what i can to help those who cannot speak or help themselves in their time of need.

For brevity, i have left quite a lot out about Poppies case, but it really was quite a long and very hard struggle.

I did document poppies story and progress on an almost daily basis on another forum, of course with pictures.

And although i have already provided before and after pictures, i thought some would like to see a particularly nice mid way picture.


Anway, getting back on topic.

As promised, here is a link to the document giving all the details, eligability criterea and process for obtaining the 25% discount for this group buy event.


Warmest regards to all

Thanks Colin, if I don't get it done this evening will do so by start of next week as Im away for a few days

Cheers Guys.

As with many countries, Dogs are not highly regarded here, and as with you doz, you sometimes encounter cruelty beyond belief that just makes your blood boil.

I have actually lost count of how many cases i have now been involved with, at least a dozen, and i don't consider myself especially considerate or heroic.
Just being a decent human being and doing what i can to help those who cannot speak or help themselves in their time of need.

For brevity, i have left quite a lot out about Poppies case, but it really was quite a long and very hard struggle.

I did document poppies story and progress on an almost daily basis on another forum, of course with pictures.

And although i have already provided before and after pictures, i thought some would like to see a particularly nice mid way picture.


Anway, getting back on topic.

As promised, here is a link to the document giving all the details, eligability criterea and process for obtaining the 25% discount for this group buy event.


Warmest regards to all

What a gorgeous looking pup:) Both my dogs died last year, one of old age and the other of an unidentified ailment, possibly cancer.
We now have a rescue dog, a cross betweent a Border Collie and a Jack Russell, very nervous to start with, had obviously been beaten. Nine months on, he is a super dog, very intelligent and gaining confidence every day, the play fights with the kitten we got at the same time have to be seen to be believed:eek:. All the best Colin:):)
Thanks Colin.....all I am getting in my left ear hole now is 'can I have a puppy??...can I have a puppy??...can I have a puppy??...can I have a puppy??...can I have a puppy??...can I have a puppy??...'

So thanks....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Sorry Saint.V8 that i neglected to add a pre warning of a truly heart melting picture.

It has never ceased to amaze me just how many Landy owners turn out to also be big Dog lovers too. I guess that both share some comenality in being helplessly in need of a huge degree of love and understanding, that when provided do then pay huge rewards.

So sorry to hear of your recent double loss Datatek.

Sadly, no matter how much we wish, we just cannot change the world or affect the inevitable. But i would happily bet that your dogs would have had the best possible life they could have ever possibly had and your newest dog has one of the best possible homes in the world.

Truth is, i do not really know if i saved Poppie or she saved me.
I said it was a long and hard struggle, but actually this was a bit of an understatement

She arrived right when the Cyprus government chose to confiscate every penny i had until they decided how much they would steal, and just when i felt helpless, angry and uncertain of my future, and that of BBS, i had to care for something far more helpless and needy and that took my mind of things a lot.

Me and my wife were only allowed to have 100 Euro of our own money per day to live on, and that was only if you found a cash machine with any money in it that you had to que for hours at, and given that Poppies milk cost 70 Euros a time, plus Petrol to get it, as well as Vet fees, and that this lasted for at least a couple of weeks, there were a few days when there really was not enough to go around.

However no matter what my own problems and adversity,
i took huge solice in the fact that i was still not so powerless as to not be able to make a huge difference to something even more helpless than i was.

Saving Poppie and helping her was a constant and every day reminder that no matter how bad things may well seem for you, there is always someone worse off than yourself.
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Nice too see you back Colin.. Can I buy another license for my existing Nanocom with the discount or is it only for complete units?

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