
just seen a guy with a super roof rack on a 90!

The rack is similar to the LR one with lamps mounted on the front, but it has what can only be described as an integral roll cage.

The cage comes down the front posts, the sides and the back onto the rounded profile below the cappings where it fix's as per the usual with 4 bolts. Its nicely contoured around the top of the back door as well! :rolleyes:

Looks great, and was wondering if anyone knew the maker as I have never seen anything like it before.

May have to hunt him out and ask!! ;)
Could be a custom one, theres a guy near me that has a full external rollcage/roofrack thing with exhausts running up the rear of it
if you dont find out what it is then give safety devices a call.

I have a safety devices G4 rack for a 90 and told them i didnt want to lose it. They said they could incorporate it into a cage if needed.

there expensive though.
Please bear in mind that I know nothing but isnt that a Tombraider? Won't LR know what make and model it is??

I dare say there will be a TR forum or a TR owner on here who will know the details!

It looks like its from a Tomb Raider 90. when I read your decription I thought it sounded like a TR.

It looks **** though. Get a proper external roll cage with 6 mounting points then fit a normal rack as flush as possible.

Mantec dont build cages, or racks for that matter. The TR's cage and rack would have come from protection and performance or safety devices.

Its certainly a TR

Mantec dont build cages, or racks for that matter. The TR's cage and rack would have come from protection and performance or safety devices.

Its certainly a TR


Thas it!!

Well done that man

So it's a LR roof rack for the TR version. Wonder if they're still available......have to make a few more enquiries.

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