
Hi everyone,
Anyone know what the technical name is and if I can just order this one part?
Looks like it could be a generic Dorman Tee coupler that uses normal hose clamps.

Just had this tiny plastic piece fail. Just need to replace it as the hoses are still really good. ( had the coolant system completely overhauled 3 years ago ). Thanks! :)

EDIT: Guess I should state its for a V6 auto trans.


Not sure if it's ok to hotlink images here. Mods let me know and I'll move it the gallery.
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The T only comes with the hoses iirc. You might be able to find an equivalent. Measure the tales and do a search ;)
Mine has failed too (see pics) but it looks like I'll have to bite the bullet and replace the whole hose. About £55 plus VAT!

However there is one going on ebay for £30!

But if you do find that 3-way plastic insert for sale anywhere, please let me know!

View attachment 96921 View attachment 96922

In you pics above that looks like to be the breather hose that joins onto the vis motor .
This is for the radiator top hose.
Ah sorry! They looked the same to me. Thanks for the correction. At least I'll be buying the correct one now! ;)

No problem you are welcome I always keep spare for both, as I also have a MGZT 190 which takes a similar breather hose, it differs only at the end which fits into the throttle body, to remove the hose press in the red collar, and the black collar on the throttle body.






Photos from when I changed my thermostat on the V6 through key hole method
Thanks Artic2!
Got something on order from the local auto parts place. I was worried about engine temps melting plastic so I found a generic heater part with similar dimensions.
Hopefully it'll get here this week.
Thanks again

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