
New Member
Hello from Lancashire, been on here for a while now but never posted, not got a lot of experience with all this Internet malarkey.;)

Moved back to the UK after living in France for 10 years and work as a Self employed HGV/Agricultural mechanic.Currently run 2 300 TDI discos, 1 for her indoors and the "shed" for work, had vehicles with the Green Oval on for the last 25 years:rolleyes:

Well the bacon butties have arrived, so I'm off to stuff my face:D
A very warm Welcome from Yorkshire :)

Thanks Freelaner:D Born and bred in Lancashire, but always ( apart from my stint in Froggy land) worked in Yorkshire, so I am a bit torn with my loyalties, the War of the Roses will never end:):)
Thanks Freelaner:D Born and bred in Lancashire, but always ( apart from my stint in Froggy land) worked in Yorkshire, so I am a bit torn with my loyalties, the War of the Roses will never end:):)

tiz alive and well on ere :D

wammers, grimmer and Gemsdad are all of that other persuation :faint2:

it'sall good humoured as always though :)

we dunt want anuvver Towton :(
Hiya batty. Good to have ya here:D
When ya comin down sowf then?
You gonna love the banter on here.

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