John Boy

New Member
Na then every body.
Some body told this was the best site to let folks know about my nicked landy. (i'll post elsewhere) Just thought it polite to say hello first.:)
John Boy
Na then every body.
Some body told this was the best site to let folks know about my nicked landy. (i'll post elsewhere) Just thought it polite to say hello first.:)
John Boy

:welcome2:to Loonyzone and really sorry to hear about your loss :(
:welcome2: And good luck in retrieving your landy.

:violent::violent: Death to f@#kin' half bread, turd sucking, light fingered T@=Ting pikes that take things that normal or in the case of most if not all of the peeps on here, (semi normal). Work fooking hard to get.

They should all be hung upside down by there pubes and beaten with
prop-shafts until they die.:mad::mad::mad::mil34:
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