
Active Member
I was driving to work yesterday and smelled diesel whilst I was parked at some lights. Oh I though, somebody has a diesel leak (not thinking for one minute it was me). I was driving to work today and deja vu. Got to work, lifted the lid it was me :eek: The sump cover was wet with diesel below the drive belts. I phoned SWMBO to tell her I would be late as I was calling at the garage. She said she wondered what the two foot round stain on the flags and trail down the drive was.:wtf:

So home time came, car (TD4) on ramps cover removed and no sign of a leak (only diesel on the cover). Both mechanics and myself spent over 30 mins going over the engine above and below and can't find a thing. The fuel pump is dry. There are no leaks on any of the pipework.

I am totally confused:confused:. The guy at the garage is a friend so he has told me to call every night on my way home so we can check until we find it.

Anybody got any ideas?
it could be the High pressure injector pump on the td4 do a search it has been on here before.

I agree with this........with the colder weather they can start to leak from the piston caps due to worn seals.
Normally only happens when first started and then they reseal as soon as the pump builds up some heat......a real bugger to find if you have to drive it to a garage for them to take a look as they will show no sign of leaking by the time you get there.
Easiest thing is to pop the bonnet first thing in the morning and start the engine.....then have a look where the high pressure pump is located....on the front of the block near the left hand side engine mount behind and up from where the oil filter is located.
Andrew McIntyre (surname may be spelt wrong), did a write up on how to go about changing the seals.
Have you looked at the return pipes on the injectors. On my l series these had perished and the whole cab smelt of diesel if I moved anywhere.
Its the pump. Its peeing our for about 10 mins after it starts. I have ordered the sprocket locking tool. Just making my mind up whether to fix mine or but a 2nd hand one.
Hello tonyt37.

Any chance you could keep us posted on your progress? I have smelt diesel from time to time near mine.

Some pics would be really appriciated.

Cheers Sir.

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