Much better now, drinking tea again which is a good yardstick for me, started doing little jobs again but I fatigue easily now but that'll come back I think. Had my first jab couple of days back too.:)
Should have said at the time and it did cross my mind to but....
A lump appeared on my calf a couple of days iirc after my first jab. Got more painful, hot, itchy, couldn't fully straighten my leg blah blah.
Anywho, went for my 2nd AZ jab today and mentioned it when asked about symptoms after the 1st jab, flu type symptoms, tired and stuff and, oh, a lump on my calf that has all but gone now. Doc was called over by the nurse for advice and he took me into a side room and looked at pics I took at the time and listened to my symptoms after examining my leg and said I've had a blood clot caused in all probability by the AZ jab.
So they wouldn't give me the 2nd one.
Got to rebook for the phizer one instead in a couple of weeks.
Should have said at the time and it did cross my mind to but....
A lump appeared on my calf a couple of days iirc after my first jab. Got more painful, hot, itchy, couldn't fully straighten my leg blah blah.
Anywho, went for my 2nd AZ jab today and mentioned it when asked about symptoms after the 1st jab, flu type symptoms, tired and stuff and, oh, a lump on my calf that has all but gone now. Doc was called over by the nurse for advice and he took me into a side room and looked at pics I took at the time and listened to my symptoms after examining my leg and said I've had a blood clot caused in all probability by the AZ jab.
So they wouldn't give me the 2nd one.
Got to rebook for the phizer one instead in a couple of weeks.
You may have seen my posts elsewhere about clots and the Astra-Zeneca jab.
I too have a clot and that is after 10 days on the tabs.
Docs can't find any sensible reason why i should have had one but it occurred 11 days after my second jab. Some docs around the country are starting to tell peeps to keep a look out for them.
BUT, watch out for them even with the Pfizer jab as, altho not well publicised, I have read that they too can cause clots.
Looks like you got off quite lightly with your clot, I'm still off my feet, well foot, most of the time!
Best of luck with the rest of it.
Every day is a school day for the docs with all this.;););)
Another update, left it too long really but I've been busy.
When I went for my 2nd jab and they wouldn't do it, I was advised to go online and book a phizer jab but only on 14/15/16 of June because that's the only days they do them. So went online when I got back and all the appointments were gone for those days!
Unsure of what to do I tried booking an online appointment with my docs, next available one was 32 days away, ringing the docs instead just gave an automated message saying to book online, go to A&E if you are dead, or ring the NHS 111 number so I rang that. They listened to what I had to say then said a doctor would ring me and one did around 4 hrs later, had to repeat the whole story again and was told I needed a blood test at my local docs and they would also do my phizer jab there too if bloods came back ok, she would also send a report to my docs and if they told me there were no appointments to mention the report ref number and they WOULD see me. Following morning rang the docs and again, just got the automated message as before so I got in the landy and went down there.
Long queue outside, only letting one in at a time, after 1/2hr wait in the rain I got to the door to be told if I didn't have an appointment I couldn't come in, mentioned what the NHS 111 doc said and she wandered off to return 10mins later to say they have no report and they don't do the phizer jab there anyway!.
Back home I rang 111 again with the new 'story' to be told a doc will ring me.
One did, 13 hrs later and said I didn't need a blood test and she or a nurse would ring me the next day to arrange a phizer jab appointment and was I willing to travel for it and I was.
11 days on and no phone call....
Went online again and thought, feck it, I'll just take my chances and book another Astra zenica jab (which was last Friday).
Turned up and the usual nurse asking questions about side effects from the first jab and I said no side effects just a sore arm.
However, the doc who examined me after the first jab and said I had had a clot had put it on my notes so she called the duty doc over(again) different doc but he, again, said I can't have the Astra zenica jab!
Keeping my cool, I said the clot lump has gone, I feel great and I'm happy to sign a disclaimer if they will just bloody jab me!!
Doc then called over a consultant ( I think, higher authority than the duty doc anyway) and she said that reports so far suggest that clots are much less likely after the 2nd jab, it seems to be only first jabs that cause the rare clots and I was at more risk not having the 2nd jab.
So I got it eventually! Way past the recommended time between doses though but what can you do ...
Still no call back from the doc/nurse either, 3 weeks tomorrow.
Another update, left it too long really but I've been busy.
When I went for my 2nd jab and they wouldn't do it, I was advised to go online and book a phizer jab but only on 14/15/16 of June because that's the only days they do them. So went online when I got back and all the appointments were gone for those days!
Unsure of what to do I tried booking an online appointment with my docs, next available one was 32 days away, ringing the docs instead just gave an automated message saying to book online, go to A&E if you are dead, or ring the NHS 111 number so I rang that. They listened to what I had to say then said a doctor would ring me and one did around 4 hrs later, had to repeat the whole story again and was told I needed a blood test at my local docs and they would also do my phizer jab there too if bloods came back ok, she would also send a report to my docs and if they told me there were no appointments to mention the report ref number and they WOULD see me. Following morning rang the docs and again, just got the automated message as before so I got in the landy and went down there.
Long queue outside, only letting one in at a time, after 1/2hr wait in the rain I got to the door to be told if I didn't have an appointment I couldn't come in, mentioned what the NHS 111 doc said and she wandered off to return 10mins later to say they have no report and they don't do the phizer jab there anyway!.
Back home I rang 111 again with the new 'story' to be told a doc will ring me.
One did, 13 hrs later and said I didn't need a blood test and she or a nurse would ring me the next day to arrange a phizer jab appointment and was I willing to travel for it and I was.
11 days on and no phone call....
Went online again and thought, feck it, I'll just take my chances and book another Astra zenica jab (which was last Friday).
Turned up and the usual nurse asking questions about side effects from the first jab and I said no side effects just a sore arm.
However, the doc who examined me after the first jab and said I had had a clot had put it on my notes so she called the duty doc over(again) different doc but he, again, said I can't have the Astra zenica jab!
Keeping my cool, I said the clot lump has gone, I feel great and I'm happy to sign a disclaimer if they will just bloody jab me!!
Doc then called over a consultant ( I think, higher authority than the duty doc anyway) and she said that reports so far suggest that clots are much less likely after the 2nd jab, it seems to be only first jabs that cause the rare clots and I was at more risk not having the 2nd jab.
So I got it eventually! Way past the recommended time between doses though but what can you do ...
Still no call back from the doc/nurse either, 3 weeks tomorrow.
What a load of sh!t, you poor, messed around sod!:(:(:(:(
Anyway, you know my story so I'd still watch it as i did get it but only after my second jab. Try to keep moving and maybe buy some compression stocking/socks. If you are not already on rivaroxaban or some other blood thinners then it may be an idea to see if the doc will prescribe something. But do keep an eye on it for the next 28 days.
Mine is only just starting to really feel it is going and the lower leg still is a different colour.:(:(:( This after 3 1/2 weeks on the pills.:(
Best of luck mate!:):):)
Yes, they did say to keep active and drink plenty of water now you mention it.
Not on any medication apart from acid reflux capsule's.
I've had a pulmonary embolism in 2013 but that was from an operation after an accident and I was too bashed about to move and they never fitted me with compression stockings either.
If any of you lot get hurt in North Wales/Chester pray you don't end up at Wrexham maelor hospital.
It's scary the injuries they missed at the time and after I was discharged 2 days later I was only home for 6 hrs before being back in my local hospital and in intensive care for 3 weeks and nearly dieing.
My local hospital was much better than Wrexham maelor but still pretty grim to be fair. Examples- putting me on a morphine drip but the needle wasn't put in right and it just made my forearm saggy with liquid, I was in agony all night and the duty nurse just told me to stop pressing the 'call' buzzer when she eventually responded to it and there was nothing wrong with me.
Shift change next morning spotted the cock up.
I never ate anything for a week which also wasn't picked up, I never seemed to see the same nurses twice as they kept moving me around. A male nurse did notice I hadn't eaten any of my breakfast and asked why so I told him that as soon as I smell food I felt more nauseous so he gave me something, can't remember what, and the nausea practically went and I could nipple stuff.
Good diet though, went from 13 stone to 101/2 in around a month but my best recovery was getting back home and the wife making what my body was telling me I wanted which, weirdly, was banana milkshake and carrot sticks in water eventually moving on to chicken breast and thin gravey.
The smell of fried food or toast made me gag at the time too.
Taken me years to get back to normal, food wise anyway.
But I'm still here and I ain't queer!:)
All the above has made me very worried for peeps with serious illnesses. I've lost a lot of respect for the NHS which is sad.
I am still going despite their best efforts lol. If it were not for the consultant I am currently under, I would have expired a couple of years ago!
There are some good people out there, sadly few seem to work for the NHS....
Yes, they did say to keep active and drink plenty of water high proof alcohol now you mention it.

Sorted that out for you. ;)
I do hope you are recovering well and are back up to par. :)
Yes, they did say to keep active and drink plenty of water now you mention it.
Not on any medication apart from acid reflux capsule's.
I've had a pulmonary embolism in 2013 but that was from an operation after an accident and I was too bashed about to move and they never fitted me with compression stockings either.
If any of you lot get hurt in North Wales/Chester pray you don't end up at Wrexham maelor hospital.
It's scary the injuries they missed at the time and after I was discharged 2 days later I was only home for 6 hrs before being back in my local hospital and in intensive care for 3 weeks and nearly dieing.
My local hospital was much better than Wrexham maelor but still pretty grim to be fair. Examples- putting me on a morphine drip but the needle wasn't put in right and it just made my forearm saggy with liquid, I was in agony all night and the duty nurse just told me to stop pressing the 'call' buzzer when she eventually responded to it and there was nothing wrong with me.
Shift change next morning spotted the cock up.
I never ate anything for a week which also wasn't picked up, I never seemed to see the same nurses twice as they kept moving me around. A male nurse did notice I hadn't eaten any of my breakfast and asked why so I told him that as soon as I smell food I felt more nauseous so he gave me something, can't remember what, and the nausea practically went and I could nipple stuff.
Good diet though, went from 13 stone to 101/2 in around a month but my best recovery was getting back home and the wife making what my body was telling me I wanted which, weirdly, was banana milkshake and carrot sticks in water eventually moving on to chicken breast and thin gravey.
The smell of fried food or toast made me gag at the time too.
Taken me years to get back to normal, food wise anyway.

No wonder if you was nippling them like you have stated, thats why they kept out the way o_O:D
But I'm still here and I ain't queer!:)
I went for my 1st jab 2 months after my Pulmanory Embolism & no one even asked about my past recent health. I mentioned that I'd had Covid related PE in Jan & they stabbed me anyway with the AZ jab. Had no ill effects so went for my 2nd one at the beginning of the month & no effects from that one either. My Mises on the other hand had her 1st AZ jab & her arm swelled up like a balloon for about 5 days and she was in bed for 24 hours and she said it felt like Covid all over again, sweating, shivers & aches. She ain't looking forward to the 2nd one!
Talking of blood clots it does worry as I’ve had 5 x Dvt’s in my legs , alas still been trying to get a COVID jab

got to ring 119 again to see if I can get anywhere this time

spoken yet again to my gp and been advised not to come into a surgery where there are others near me , plus after that fall I have an open wound on my back so also told I need to be careful from other infections

hope everyone is keeping safe and well
Talking of blood clots it does worry as I’ve had 5 x Dvt’s in my legs , alas still been trying to get a COVID jab

got to ring 119 again to see if I can get anywhere this time

spoken yet again to my gp and been advised not to come into a surgery where there are others near me , plus after that fall I have an open wound on my back so also told I need to be careful from other infections

hope everyone is keeping safe and well
Slightly personal question, what age group are you in? Couldn’t someone come to you?
Slightly personal question, what age group are you in? Couldn’t someone come to you?

not at all , I’m 55 , indeed that’s what I’ve been trying to get done in getting a home visit for my jabs

but so far haven’t had any success , will keep trying to call the 119 number to see if they can help me, of course fully understand there are many others who need a home visit , ie if there bed bound or severely disabled
not at all , I’m 55 , indeed that’s what I’ve been trying to get done in getting a home visit for my jabs

but so far haven’t had any success , will keep trying to call the 119 number to see if they can help me, of course fully understand there are many others who need a home visit , ie if there bed bound or severely disabled
I hope you get sorted soon. Some of my colleagues volunteered to do house visits, I don’t know the situation elsewhere though.
Sorry to read all your probs @Flossie , hope things start to look up for you soonest.
I have been extremely careful over the last half year, xmas I was diagnosed with cancer of the windpipe.
Had the first jab (az) with no side effects, scans and an endoscope showed the tumeur was blocking my trachea x 80%, not the best time to get covid then.
I am now at home recovering from surgery, hopefully 100% removed and 2nd jab tomorrow evening, more endoscope next friday.
Nothing but praise for the French health system, very prompt. Feeling positive at last.
Sorry to read all your probs @Flossie , hope things start to look up for you soonest.
I have been extremely careful over the last half year, xmas I was diagnosed with cancer of the windpipe.
Had the first jab (az) with no side effects, scans and an endoscope showed the tumeur was blocking my trachea x 80%, not the best time to get covid then.
I am now at home recovering from surgery, hopefully 100% removed and 2nd jab tomorrow evening, more endoscope next friday.
Nothing but praise for the French health system, very prompt. Feeling positive at last.
Here's wishing you well, and a better year next year