
Active Member
Why do all of my threads appear without the Small green box with the white chevron to the left of the thread, and why are they not in heavy print like the rest?
Because you're on probation and until you have bought the Mods enough cake then your threads shall not be in bold, OR

Bold type means there are new postings since you last read the thread, and the green box ( well if you hover your cursor over the box - all will be revealed)
You have been singled out! ;-p

The real reason is it is because they are your threads, any thread you have read loses the bold print. For everyone else your threads are bold print until we have read them. Same with the chevron.
Bold type means that there are new, unread posts in the thread. When you make a new thread and add a post, then obviously you will have read the post ... result all posts read and normal, not bold type.
The green box is a button to go to the first unread post in the thread.
We are all talking about you when the type is in bold and the normal type is because we have seen you coming and have changed our posts so you don't know what we were saying.

The green box is visible only to paranoid people!

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