Having replaced all kinds of sensor, checked the wiring, tested this-and-that and taken on-board advice from many, the problem of starting (which was very bad – especially when hot) was my STARTER MOTOR's solenoid’s contacts. See the photos.
DSCF1162.JPG DSCF1164.JPG DSCF1169.JPG DSCF1170.JPG The contacts were twisted and contact was made between two small points. It's a wonder my engine turned at all.

Once I had discovered the bent, twisted, worn and carbonised copper-contacts I didn’t bother to strip the motor. I recalled some good advice, ‘If it aint broke don’t fix it’. Although I’m all for good & regular maintenance.
The entire job, from entering my garage to dropping the bonnet, took 1hr 10 mins. I only removed the top air inlet and removed the motor thus.

Anyway, the Starter Motor’s copper-contacts were to blame.
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Quote, starter on mine made an odd chirping sound .. 't were a sign that the battery had had it's day
( 'cause the solenoid actuator thing .. be slow to move .. relative to how it should )
at same time the door locks made squeaky sounds when activated ..
new battery solved those issues .. ( well .. no choice .. other battery simply died a week later )

I considered the battery as well, knowing a lot can go wrong if its faulty. Mine is as close to perfect as possible. I wish it had been that simple. :rolleyes:
Take the electric plug off the thermostatat, and see what happens.

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