Yes and No. The CPS are to blame for not prosecuting. The police are to blame for not using the information to it's full potential......In fact ANY potential.

Martyn had the same problem as me and was left to do THEIR jobs for them. I tracked my landy from Frome to Cambridge when it was stolen. Martyn found the evidence that linked the perpetrator to his vehicle but the police decided to have a 5 min chat with him without arresting him and then left him for 2 weeks to clear away the evidence before making the chat more formal.

I lost £12k purely in theft of and from my vehicles and vandalism to my vehicles in a period of 2 1/2 years. Not one prosecution was made even though the guy that nicked my first of 2 stolen landys ADMITTED on tape that he did it.

I think these Tracker thingies have a lot going for them. When I'm nearing finished fixing up my Landy I'm going to fit one. It's not only a hell of a deterrent, it enables you to get it back before they've butchered your pride and joy. That and make some improvements to the security system making it harder to nick in the first place.
Everyone seems to have forgotten one important thing about the police, my Dad always taught me:

The police are here to protect the Establishment FROM people like you and me, NOT to protect us.

Its amazing how little money there is to patrol rough neighbourhoods and follow leads BUT when there is a threat to the establishment its amazing how much overtime the government can find!!!
Everyone seems to have forgotten one important thing about the police, my Dad always taught me:

The police are here to protect the Establishment FROM people like you and me, NOT to protect us.

Its amazing how little money there is to patrol rough neighbourhoods and follow leads BUT when there is a threat to the establishment its amazing how much overtime the government can find!!!
Ain't that the truth!
They spend more policing abroad than here at home.
I have a few friends who are coppers, all went into the game with honourable intentions, all are disolussioned and just rake in the overtime filling in paperwork.

Costing the taxpayer almost as much as the MPs.... but dont get me started on that one!!!!!!!!
When I bought my 90 I noticed that the handbrake handle, indicator stalk & steering wheel had crappy marks all over them:( I later realized that he had the best scum deterent "installed":rolleyes: ,A bloody good dog who chewed & slept in the landy;)
The justice system has failed... I bet if it was an MP's Land Rover the job would have been done properly and the thieving twot would be in court. I would be so angry I would be appealing to CPS to reconsider and take it to the top.

Just a word of advice to all of us....Not sure if we should disclose what security we have on our Land Rovers as sites like this can be used by thieves as a shop window. They don't just turn up on spec to steal. They are well organised and have spotters searching web sites like this and Ebay. So anything we say or have said can be read by anyone. Just a thought...
The justice system has failed... I bet if it was an MP's Land Rover the job would have been done properly and the thieving twot would be in court. I would be so angry I would be appealing to CPS to reconsider and take it to the top.

Just a word of advice to all of us....Not sure if we should disclose what security we have on our Land Rovers as sites like this can be used by thieves as a shop window. They don't just turn up on spec to steal. They are well organised and have spotters searching web sites like this and Ebay. So anything we say or have said can be read by anyone. Just a thought...
ya ded rate ther JC,why fit a load of security **** on ya motor then tell every fuker wot yuv done on a open only means wen the teevin cnuts turn up thi know wot thi up against.for warned is for armed.
The justice system has failed... I bet if it was an MP's Land Rover the job would have been done properly and the thieving twot would be in court. I would be so angry I would be appealing to CPS to reconsider and take it to the top....
If it was an MPs Land Rover then he/she would not give a f**k because it would have been bought on expenses which you and me have paid for in our taxes. They'll just order a new one and stick two fingers up to us.
If it was an MPs Land Rover then he/she would not give a f**k because it would have been bought on expenses which you and me have paid for in our taxes. They'll just order a new one and stick two fingers up to us.

I think you're forgetting to mention that they would claim for the stolen one on the insurance AND get the cost of the new one from the taxpayer. They gotta end up in profit FFS.:doh:
I think you're forgetting to mention that they would claim for the stolen one on the insurance AND get the cost of the new one from the taxpayer. They gotta end up in profit FFS.:doh:
Point well made! Cynical bunch of cnuts aren't we?
I knew I should have gone in to politics when I left school.
Could have had a massive house and no mortgage, slept whilst at work, lied through my teeth, and collected a gold plated pension. Ho hum.
Point well made! Cynical bunch of cnuts aren't we?
I knew I should have gone in to politics when I left school.
Could have had a massive house and no mortgage, slept whilst at work, lied through my teeth, and collected a gold plated pension. Ho hum.

It aint lieing. It's just being economical with the truth.:eek:

 it's lieing.:p
Nu Labour. Tough on crime. Tough on the causes of crime.......

I'm livid for you mate. Both the police and the CPS are an absolute waste of time. If he had triggered off a speed camera whilst he had your car, I wonder who would be getting the ticket and the points?

If your a hard working, tax paying, white male in this country, your f#cked.

But heres a little story that might make you feel a little better. When I was last out on business in my wifes 2nd world homeland, hotel security had caught two peasents breaking into rooms of the rather nice, mainly western baised hotel. Hotel security detained them and called the police. Exect it wasn't 'normal' police who turned up, but their version of the secret police. These are the bad ass guys who drive around in black Audi S8's and Merc S55's.

So as I walk into the lobby, I see these 'secret police' dragging these two tea leaves out by their hair whilst kicking them, leaving a trail of bloody along the marble floor. The two thieves were as white as I am, crying for their lives. These are the same police who made 100's dissapear during the Tianamen Square uprising of the late 80's. Little of their practices have changed in this time.
Just an update for everyone who followed the theft of my Landy.
The police phoned me a couple of days ago and said the CPS WILL NOT be taking any action against the guy who stole my Landy. Not enough evidence???? how much did they need ? the Pratt left his name and address,his e bay account showed he purchased checker plates and an ignition barrel and key for a land rover 4 days after mine was stolen, (he doesn't own a Land rover ) his explanation was that he purchased these things for a "stranger" he met in a pub, he doesnt have a phone number for the "stranger" or contact details!
The CPS have accepted this as his story so I don't get any justice or my Landy back, this low life made a few thousand pounds and my insurance will go up, how mad is that.
So the message is, go out take, take, take whatever you want, leave your name and address for the owner to find - sell the Landy make loads of money then lie to the police - you CAN steal a Landy and get away with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:frusty:
The great British justice system.:mooning:
I am now looking for plan B.

That is bloody crazy!! Its no suprise people take the law into their own hands!!!
so whens the landyzone meet to show what landys can, to his home and money tear up lawns burn down houses hmmm i want :)

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