Me too. Not the cheapest option but a good all rounder and really look like a nice classic radial tyre.
They are fairly cheap if you are willing to get part worns, wait to build up a full set, and do some work yourself. I managed to get 6 HD "wolf" rims and 6 xzl's (80+%) for £100. But that involved my buying 11 wheels and tyres, learning to change tyres myself and swapping them around, and then selling the wheels I did not want.

Learning to change the tyres myslef and doing it this way also allowed me to sand down and repaint all of the wheels I kept before using them.
Thanks for all your help folks! It seems to be between 7.5 R16s and 235/85 R16s. Now just to work out costs. The Deestones look class but I think they are only crossply?
Thanks for all your help folks! It seems to be between 7.5 R16s and 235/85 R16s. Now just to work out costs. The Deestones look class but I think they are only crossply?
They are crossply but that is not a problem on a series vehicle, the speeds at which you are driving the adverse handling compared to a radial will not come into play.
I'm inlcined to disagree about the handling, crossplys are good off road because they have strong hard sidewalls but they tramline horribly on ridges in the road surface. Having driven on both I would never go back to crossplys. I also found the cross plys lasted about 1/2 as long as the radials
I liked the look of the deestones I had on my series,but in the wet they are cr#p
Goodyear g90 handle much better
Just picked up a very nice BFG All-terrain off e-bay for £35, but as said above, its on the wrong wheel (a modular) so I can see I'm heading for 5 tyres and 6 wheels to get a set.

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