
I'm not sure if there is a more appropriate place for this. Feel free to move it if so. After 9 months of blood, sweat and tears here she is. A restored 1988 110 CSW, 47k vehicle miles but with 200tdi replacing 2.5td engine. Engine miles uncertain prior to rebuild.

The basic work done was as follows:

-Galvanising of original chassis.
-New suspension all round while body off.
-Full bare metal respray in Defender Ice colours. All panels and floor stripped and painted as separate sections and re-riveted back together. No bare metal contacts through entire body. Sections further bonded/sealed ensuring its as leak-proof as possible. So far, so good!:D
-Full engine re-build; bores honed, new pistons, cylinder head overhaul.
-Many, many, many new parts!

There is a lot that could be said but browse the pics and if anyone has any questions fire away.

The car is currently on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic making its way to Vancouver to be properly enjoyed. It will be a weekend recreation vehicle only, accessing back country and some serious MTB trails. I remember my dad having a series 3 when I was a kid and have looked forward to the day I can share the same times with kids of my own. The opportunity arose when I relocated to UK for 9 months and set to work finding the right vehicle. There are obvious niggles that need ironing out but the balls of the vehicle are sorted for hopefully many years to come.

Awesome work. I have the same model and I am looking at my options for doing something similar. Mine will be doing a round the world trip!

Would it be possible to PM me with the name of the spray shot and the trimmers (and costs if that is ok)??

Once again that is an awesome job - very impressed.

Please let me know if you have a few dozen/hundred free weekends - would hate you to get bored so very unselfishly you could try repeating a lot of what you've done on my 110 (no,no please don't thank me- it would be my pleasure :eek:)

Really nice job you've made of yours
Please let me know if you have a few dozen/hundred free weekends - would hate you to get bored so very unselfishly you could try repeating a lot of what you've done on my 110 (no,no please don't thank me- it would be my pleasure :eek:)

Really nice job you've made of yours

I am now 5000 miles away on Vancouver Island and looking forward to getting some very odd looks on the roads. Weekends are out I'm afraid! I am sure despite my best efforts getting her straight mine will still require all the time I have:D
Fantastic job - very jealous! My 110 has just had the MOT death knell through a rotted chassis, don't have the time to swap it over for a new one, so getting it welded. After beating it with a hammer to look for the solid metal, it looked like it had been machine gunned - £600 to get it done on the side, plus I buy the bits.... :( - after all that, it won't look anything like as good as yours, but I'm not giving up on it yet! :)
Magnificent restauration! I intend to make the same layout (but with green & black) with 90 td5 highlander from 2000 that is in pretty bad shape, thanks to its predecessor.
As I'm not a mechanic and don't have the time to do it myself, I'm a bit afraid of the price.
How much did your project cost you in the end?
BTW, do you know of any other Ice & Fire like rebuilt, even with different colors?
I plan on making my td5 black roof & bonnet & keep the rest in epsom green.
What do you think?

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