
Active Member
Can we have the My Replies feature back please? Was very useful for quickly checking threads I had posted in without having to 'watch' every thread!

I was the same but I'm not so sure now.

If you hover over name > preferences > tick 'Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...' then use watch threads.. it works pretty well.

It filters it so it only shows unread ones.
Aah - I was just about to add my 2 penneth and ask for the My Replies link back - but that sounds like its a goer. So I'll run with that and see how it goes :)
I was the same but I'm not so sure now.

If you hover over name > preferences > tick 'Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...' then use watch threads.. it works pretty well.

It filters it so it only shows unread ones.
I've done this too. Doesn't help with all the posts that were in flight before the design change, but I've just gone hunting on those and 'watched' them.

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