
New Member
Someone decided it would be a good Idea to embed their Rover 25 into the side of my Range Rover.
In the photo the bit at the end of the wing belongs to the Rover 25 and I can't get it out, the bit hanging down underneath the sill is whats left of my side step which took the brunt of the impact.


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Just look at the positive side;

1; the Rover 25 probably looks far better now
2; it's another one that's been sent to the grave yard

And i bet it was being by an octogenerian lady that smelled of cats, cabbage and wee.

On a serious note, i hope that nobody was hurt, and it looks as if it can be repaired without too much aggro.
The cost of repairs is in excess of £3000 and the repair centre say, the insurance company might write it off, to say I am gutted is an under statement.
The cost of repairs is in excess of £3000 and the repair centre say, the insurance company might write it off, to say I am gutted is an under statement.

If they do buy it back and do the repairs your self.
Yep I am thinking of that I will just have to wait and see what sort of deal they are willing to do, but fingers crossed, you never know it might never come to that.
Not sure its a simple thing to do these days. I had a Montego a few years back and someone didnt give way on a roundabout and hit the nearside wing. Damaged the wing, headlight, grille and bumper. Quote was £1700 I bought the car 2 years eariler for £1400 so offered to take an offer based on the cars value. They paid £1300 and I gave them £150 for the car and bought all the bits from a scrappy for about £50 plus a few cans of spray paint and it looked better than before the crash. Good luck.
I am finally picking my Range Rover back up tomorrow it was deemed to be uneconomical to repair as the repairs would have been in excess of £4000.
It has been in storage at the repair centre for 7 weeks, The delay was in using an accident management company called Helphire (recommended by the AA) who made my life hell and I ended up having to sorting out estimates and the engineers report.
But the good news is I have bought it back off the insurance company and I am going to get it sorted myself. I will be so pleased to have it back as it has been in storage for longer than I actually drove it.

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