Did you get yours back OK? How is it?

I did indeed thanks Mike and had a blast back up the A40 into town, really nice to have it back (with its MOT cert.) although the weather this morning reminded me that I really need to sort my heated seats out before winter kicks in properly. Looking forward to having a good run in it at the weekend.

I did indeed thanks Mike and had a blast back up the A40 into town, really nice to have it back (with its MOT cert.) although the weather this morning reminded me that I really need to sort my heated seats out before winter kicks in properly. Looking forward to having a good run in it at the weekend.


Yeah, finishing off the heated seat fix is the next job on my list too!! Job for Saturday I reckon. Let me know if you head out this way on your run out at the weekend!
Keen to follow your heated seats issues. My drivers one doesn't work, actually not sure about the passenger one, rarely have a passenger!
Both lights come on on the switches so I assume the basic electrics are ok.
Is there a separate fuse for the heating element?
Keen to follow your heated seats issues. My drivers one doesn't work, actually not sure about the passenger one, rarely have a passenger!
Both lights come on on the switches so I assume the basic electrics are ok.
Is there a separate fuse for the heating element?

I really must get on with the job, keep avoiding it! So far I've removed the leather seat base, so now's it just flapping about on top of the foam!

Checking the switches work is a good start, the light is a good indication. Both of mine come on.

Secondly, if you move the seat up and forward as far as it will go you will see a mass of wires (approaching from the rear footwells). Amongst all these cables you will see two seperate cables that go into a white plug, and then a black plug with 2 wires going to the seat - this is the heated seat power cable. Simply put a multi-meter across the pins in the white plug (or whatever colour comes out the floor!) and get someone to turn the switch on - if it beeps then you have power! Mine is good to here too.

Next step then is the element, which is the most likely cause. They tend to fail at the creases in the seat base, and as yet I haven't got any further than carefully peeling back the leather and top layer of foam. I am considering taking the seat out, but haven't decided yet. If you beat me to fixing it, let me know how you get on and take some pics!!
Yeah, finishing off the heated seat fix is the next job on my list too!! Job for Saturday I reckon. Let me know if you head out this way on your run out at the weekend!

I am West Country-bound this weekend, but I'll let you know if I am out your way anytime soon. There must be some decent green laning opportunities in the Chilterns.

Thanks for the heated seat tips. I was also going to follow the ever useful rangerovers.net guidance on the issue: Heated Seat Repair Operations
I am West Country-bound this weekend, but I'll let you know if I am out your way anytime soon. There must be some decent green laning opportunities in the Chilterns.

Thanks for the heated seat tips. I was also going to follow the ever useful rangerovers.net guidance on the issue: Heated Seat Repair Operations

Me too - well, Sunday anyway. Off to Wiltshire for a Pheasant shoot!

Sadly there's not much greenlaning round here, most have been closed now. We've found one so far! The Ridgeway is now closed for most of it, although someone the other day said there's some lanes out High Wycombe way.

There's a great offroad course though, not the usual sticky-mud-clay car-breaking affair, more like tracks through woodland with some deep puddles and stuff to go through. I took mine last month, was good fun and non-damaging (although there's some serious winch stuff too if that's your thing, but it's not for me).
Well, as ever with LR products, the more you fix the more you find! So, I now have an updated list of things to sort, most of which I have started, none of which I have finished, looks something like this:

- Thermostat has gone, engine doesn't heat up when it's cold outside! New 88 degree stat + gasket arrived this morning, job for the weekend I think, as currently the heater doesn't get very hot when it's freezing outside - really useful!
- Heated drivers seat - remove leather and top layer of foam, found the element and got no further, really need to crack on as it's bloody cold in the mornings!!
- N/S driving light doesn't work. Disassembled unit yesterday, bulb is fine and wiring looks good, no corrosion - need to trace this back to the fault
- Dash switch lights - a couple of them have gone and it bugs me now the nights are drawing in and I'm driving in the dark more. Have removed switches, now know how to access the bulbs so will replace those soon.
- Headlight washer jets - one dribbles out a bit of water, the other does nothing. Assume blocked pipes, need an air line really to clear them I think?
- Sunroof still doesn't work very often, but not exactly a priority at this time of year!

That's it for now, I think! In the new year, once I have all the problems and niggles ironed out, I will crack on with expedition preperation! In the meantime, it's actually been working for a living for the past couple of weeks, taking the remenants of our old bathroom to the tip and this weekend moving several 4 metre lengths of oak beam timber down to the yard for storage:

what kind of yard you got mike?

Just a small one, under half an acre, few sheds on it that the previous owner used to house pigeons in! Took one of them down cos it was dangerous, but the other three are OK still! Just used for storage, really.
Just a small one, under half an acre, few sheds on it that the previous owner used to house pigeons in! Took one of them down cos it was dangerous, but the other three are OK still! Just used for storage, really.

You don't live in London, my workshop was broken into by illegal immigrants - they were living there for a couple of weeks before I noticed! They nicked my push bikes but left thousands of pounds worth of tools and my Hayabusa untouched! :eek:

Yes but it is has the most severe planning restirctions ever! Apparently it is an area of outstanding natural beauty... :rolleyes: I'd agree it is in an AONB, but that plot itself? Err, no. Anyway, it's only allowed agricultural use and I was taken to court by the council over storing a tractor in there which they deemed as a vehicle and thus outside of the rights of use, and not agricultural. Yes, really. Anyway, won that one so can store timber, agircultural machinery, etc, but there's nothing of any great value in there to be honest. I was hoping to one day turn it into a workshop of some sort, maybe with a vehicle lift in there but can't see it happening now unfortunately.

You don't live in London, my workshop was broken into by illegal immigrants - they were living there for a couple of weeks before I noticed! They nicked my push bikes but left thousands of pounds worth of tools and my Hayabusa untouched! :eek:

No, fortunately not! But since having the land we've put full fences up as you can see and added a monitoring system, as kids used to break in there and try to set fire to the sheds and what have you. And you just know that when it falls down and injures the little f'ckers, we'd be to blame!

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