
New Member
:mad: Hi to you all,

I recently returned to owning a landrover spending my savings on a very tidy freelander auto V6i es o3 plate with just 52000 on the clock.
About two weeks ago my pride and joy started to over heat so i took it to my local garage to have this investigated......

To my horror the man with the spanners told me the the water pump was on its way out and it wont be cheap!!!

So just to double check this i called an ex AA mechanic freind of mine to take a look and to add even more misery he informed me there was gas detected in the coolant aswell as the pump being u/s.
Not only that but the engine appeared to have new head gaskets on it.
He also informed me that if the coolant had ever had rad weld added to it that the block is basicly scrap as it blocks the watercourses!!!

What do i do? scrap this engine and start again with a second hand/reconditioned engine or do i take a chance and have the head gaskets changed and a new pump fitted..

Anyone who has been in my shoes and has any advice they could share with me would really help.....

Many thanks iain..
oh Willy!!!!! why didnt yu ask BEFORE buying it.:rolleyes:

can yu take it back and get your money back?
was it a private sale or from a garage?

serial head gasket failures are common on hippoos. either get your money back or spend as little as possible and pass it on to another mug - or part ex it quick.
Hi there, no i bought the freelander off the autotrader website advertised as "private sale" but after doing a little bit of investigation it seems that the guy i got the car from is a "TRADER" i called this what can i call him wXXXXr, yep that should do it! Real name gary hosler from stockport...

I have notified auto trader and also trading standards but iam not holding my breath..
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Hi there, no i bought the freelander off the autotrader website advertised as "private sale" but after doing a little bit of investigation it seems that the guy i got the car from is a "TRADER" i called this what can i call him wXXXXr, yep that should do it! Real name gary hosler from stockport...

I have notified auto trader and also trading standards but iam not holding my breath..
Just to add to your woes - lots of garages are not prepared to take on Hippoo HGF as they do not want to offer a warranty, because of the high likelyhood of repeat HGF. Stealers will usually say "replacement engine, mate".

If yu want to spend the money though - the Rover 220Turbo lump fits fairly easily.
Part ex it if you can, if you cant part ex cut your losses it repair it and get shot of it. You can get HG done for around 400. I've had mine 7 weeks and had new HG, new rear diff mounts, new droplink, new ignition coil packs new and expansion tank. (500 spent up to now) Apart from that nice motor!!! I knew the problems before I bought this one though (Y reg 2001 with 45,000 for 900 quid) I'll keep it over the winter and get shot in the spring.

If you want to keep a petrol freelander prepare to get your hands dirty or have deep pockets and an understanding wife!

Personally I like them but my bank balance doesnt

Good luck:
As said HGF can be repaired for £400-500 or so. My local garage said they cold botch a fix so I could get rid. Opted for repair and was still going 20K later - albeit in an MGF but same engine as 1.8 Freelander. Image V6 shouldn't be too much more.

You'll loose plenty on a new car and part ex - £500 could be small change.
i spose to ask if yu got an aftermarket warranty would be a dumb question?

best to try and get yo money back if yu can.
Due to leaks from the 'O' rings around the waterpump and thermostat housing I ran my V6 with radweld for two years before I could be bothered to change them, which I eventually did when I changed the cam belts. Its still running O.K.
oops ! no luck then?

tell uncle Daft. wot happened? have you tried trading standards? did he tell yu to :multiply: ?
Yup more or less, dear old gary hosler put the phone down several times...
Doesnt want to know basicly.

On a better note trading standards seemed to be more interested today...

Still get the feeling im on to a losing battle thou,
Well... I spose the good? news is you havent got anything to loose by trying to screw the bastid for everything yu can.
Wonder if theres any LZers in Stockport who could ask him nicely on your behalf?

would this be the guy, perchance.... St Marys Road, Manchester, North Wales & North West, M9 8AQ born in 1971?
Cheers for the address uncle daft!!
I have forwarded it onto trading standards!!

so kiss my :mooning: gary hosler you swindling fat toxxer!!
When you bought this motor did you go to his house to see it, hope you never met him somewhere else like a car park or something.

If you went to an address was it the one on the log book for the car.

And how long had he owned it. If the log books not in his name or he has only had it registered to him for a month or 2 then it's a sure bet he's a trader.

I had something similar few years back, bought the car got it home and couple of days later it started playing up.

I found out he was a trader and was not registered as being so, which is against the law. So I went to his house and posted a letter through his door informing him that I would report him for ilegal trading and would also report him to Inland Revenue for suspected faliure to declare earnings.

Next day he called me and agreed to take the car back for a full refund

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