
New Member
  • l322 tdv6 2002
  • bought car oct last year
  • 3 weeks in no gear selection
  • boxing day no gears no power car totally screwed
  • 4 months later fighting with the garage and finance company, no result car still lying in driveway broke
  • £2500 full gearbox rebuild
  • car back on the road in may
  • loss of power struggle's to it 40
  • hanged al filters
  • cleaned egr valve
  • away to buy pumps 1 and 2
What else can it be . o car does not start sometimes .

Please give me other things to check
Your sanity in buying an L322? If you bought it from a dealer, chuck it back as unfit for purpose under the sale of goods act.
that was the first step mate , he ended up shouting down the phone at me , so no help there . next went to the finance , 3 months later they send a letter saying it was our fault . going through the financial abbudsmand now so hop it gets back soon with good news . if not its straight to court .
that was the first step mate , he ended up shouting down the phone at me , so no help there . next went to the finance , 3 months later they send a letter saying it was our fault . going through the financial abbudsmand now so hop it gets back soon with good news . if not its straight to court .
Just issue the dealer & finance company with a letter before action.
Search for a thread by fanatic entitled crock of ****.
You just have to shout louder, the longer you leave it the harder it becomes, I would be looking for a full refund.
I would agree with Datatek in principle but is it worth the hassle of going down a road which could take up a lot of time and worry as well as money - there's more to life than worrying over trying to recover the cost of the duff car especially if the chances are probably less than 50/50. Perhaps the best way is to put it down to experience and move on quickly. I know its defeatist but what the hell.
I would agree with Datatek in principle but is it worth the hassle of going down a road which could take up a lot of time and worry as well as money - there's more to life than worrying over trying to recover the cost of the duff car especially if the chances are probably less than 50/50. Perhaps the best way is to put it down to experience and move on quickly. I know its defeatist but what the hell.
You must be bloody rich if you can afford to bin a few grands worth of car.
It's not difficult to go to the small claims court for redress. The more garages get away with offloading duff cars, the more they are encouraged to do it.:mad:
  • l322 tdv6 2002
  • bought car oct last year
  • 3 weeks in no gear selection
  • boxing day no gears no power car totally screwed
  • 4 months later fighting with the garage and finance company, no result car still lying in driveway broke
  • £2500 full gearbox rebuild
  • car back on the road in may
  • loss of power struggle's to it 40
  • hanged al filters
  • cleaned egr valve
  • away to buy pumps 1 and 2
What else can it be . o car does not start sometimes .

Please give me other things to check
Take it that was the c*nt who sold you the car. :)
You are right of course and I have done the court route twice and won - cash came only when we were about to put a charge on property and the other when we did and recovered the money 8 years later when they wanted to re mortgage. Its a long process and you are always thinking about it.
I'm with Datatek on this I pursued the garage that sold my car to me and the engine went after eight days I went through the small claims court a fairly painless process.
I got a full refund in the end.
Stick with it
ye we have 4 weeks left from the financial abuds to get back to us , once that's come back worse case it will be straight to court , already spoke to my lawyer and I can get in within 6 weeks of appeal . total pain with the car as its our only one . I went through 4 cars while it was broke , just cheap 3-400 pound cars to get us to work but they kept breaking . never mind it will come out in the wash , just need this thing to work the now lol .

we should start up a naming bad companys forum that would be fun to see there faces .
Lack of power could be turbo hoses spli or loose!

Dont do any repairs until you have had some answers from lawyers etc

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